Theme 1: Council of Deans Notes

Meeting No. 4: November 8, 2006

Present: Burges, Earls, Hopper, Howard, Kircher, and Vrem.
Absent: Higgins, Kenyon, and Snyder
Proxies: Mortazavi (Higgins), Perryman (Kenyon), and Wells (Snyder)
Guest: Mary Virnoche

1. Call To Order
2. WASC Theme 1 Exercise

Burges and Virnoche (Associate Professor in Sociology) commenced discussion on the progress of the WASC Theme I – Greater Humboldt Expectations Action Team. Burges distributed an outcomes draft prepared by the action team, which constituted a very initial draft in answer to the central question:

What should all our graduates know and be able to do as a result of their Humboldt experience?

Action team draft outcomes were listed as follows:

  • Humboldt graduates actively work toward improving social, environmental, and economic justice in their workplaces and communities.
  • Humboldt graduates engage meaningfully with a diverse range of individuals.
  • Humboldt graduates apply information appropriately to make, implement, and evaluate decisions.
  • Humboldt graduates skillfully use a variety of formal and informal types of writing.
  • Humboldt graduates demonstrate competency in their major fields of study.

Council took part in a mock exercise based on the team’s processes:

  • Need to identify core academic expectations that all Humboldt students should possess upon graduation
  • Need a local draw to target local students and address their needs, wants, and make them feel a part of the Humboldt community
  • The apparent theme needs to be very general, abstract, and global
  • Council had concerns about the limitations re:
    • demonstration of competence
    • identifying, defining, and agreeing upon the values we espouse
    • operationalize the competencies
    • promoting particular actions and viewpoints
  • Council offered alternative language for item #1:
    • Humboldt graduates critically engage with issues (e.g. social justice and environmental responsibility) and possess the ability to grapple from engaged perspectives
    • Humboldt graduates demonstrate appreciation for and knowledge of social and environmental issues
    • Humboldt graduates demonstrate social consciousness, curiosity, and inquisitiveness
    • Humboldt graduates demonstrate ability to apply learning to real-world problems
  • Council offered alternative language for item #2:
    • (strengthen) Humboldt graduates possess open-mindedness and willingness to be changed by engaging w/differences
    • Humboldt graduates demonstrate integrative thinking from multiple perspectives/multiple disciplines and ability to communicate effectively
    • Humboldt graduates demonstrate ability to work effectively within groups and within diverse groups
    • Humboldt graduates engage constructively in fair-minded interactions with diverse viewpoints, ideas, and people
    • Humboldt graduates demonstrate an understanding of global perspectives
  • Council offered alternative language for item #3:
    • (critical analysis) Humboldt graduates demonstrate the ability to evaluate complex decisions and information
    • Humboldt graduates demonstrate research skills and independent study skills
    • Humboldt graduates demonstrate critical thinking skills
    • Humboldt graduates engage in/bring student perspectives to process – stay on task values
    • Humboldt graduates combine youthful optimism with analysis
  • Council offered alternative language for item #4:
    • Humboldt graduates skillfully use a variety of formal and informal written and oral communication skills
    • Humboldt graduates demonstrate ability to articulate complexity nuance
    • Humboldt graduates demonstrate ability to prepare self, respond, and participate as an engaged learner
    • Humboldt graduates are passionate, but rationale and seek to understand; commit to the time it takes to inform self – “no flame wars”
    • Humboldt graduates are great communicators – have made a difference and are hard workers
  • Council offered alternative language for item #5:
    • Humboldt graduates demonstrate solid expertise in a field for workforce competency
    • Humboldt graduates demonstrate depth in competency of major field of study
    • Humboldt graduates demonstrate commitment to field of study

Council discussed these suggestions and their correlation with the WASC Theme I Action team’s draft.

  • Need to limit a ‘core’ set of outcomes
  • Need to be able to identify ‘markers’ for setting these core set of outcomes
  • Need to market unifying theme, not only through G.E. but unified throughout all undergraduate study

Burges and Virnoche stated they would be happy to entertain invitations by this Council to come speak to department and/or college groups to discuss and receive feedback regarding the WASC Theme I draft outcomes. This draft is being reviewed by the UCC on November 14 th. Council agreed that there needs to be a consensus for this process and thanked Burges and Virnoche.