1989/1990 Resolutions
Comprehensive Catalog of Senate Resolutions by Academic Year
Comprehensive Catalog of Statewide Senate Plenary Resolutions by Academic Year
01-89/90-EX | Resolution on Parking Fees Passed: September 5, 1989 |
02-89/90-EP | Resolution on the Report of the Commission on Instructional Technology Passed: October 31, 1989 |
03-89/90-FC | Resolution in Support of Efforts to Modify or Eliminate the Gann Limitation Passed: October 10, 1989 |
04-89/90-FC | Resolution on Junk Mail Failed: October 10, 1989 |
05-89/90-EX | Resolution in Support for a Revised Calendar for AY 90-91 |
06-89/90-FA | Draft Resolution on Search Committees for Senior Administrators Tabled: February 27, 1990 |
07-89/90-FA | Draft Resolution on Faculty Involvement in Student Retention and Advising Passed: November 28, 1989 |
08-89/90-EP | Resolution on the Draft Study of Graduate Education in the CSU Passed: November 28, 1989 |
09-89/90-EX | Resolution on the Approval of the 1991-92 AY Calendar Passed: December 5, 1989 |
10-89/90-EX | Resolution on the Proposal for Adoption of a Two-Year Catalog Passed: December 5, 1989 Approved by President McCrone: December 11, 1989 |
11-89/90-EX | Resolution on Graduation List Passed: May 1, 1990 Approved by President McCrone: May 3, 1990 |
12-89/90-EX | Resolution on Location of Temporary Space Modules |
13-89/90-EP | Resolution on Task Force Report on Graduate Education |
14-89/90-EP | Resolution on Humboldt Grading Policy [+ and -] Passed: February 27, 1990 |
15-89/90-FA | Resolution on Elections to the Planning Committee for Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities (PCRSC) Passed: February 27, 1990 |
16-89/90-EX | Resolution on VMS Junk Mail Passed: February 27, 1990 |
17-89/90-EP | Resolution on Teacher Preparation Programs Reorganization Evaluation Committee |
18-89/90-EX | Resolution on Humboldt Grading Policy Passed: February 27, 1990 |
19-89/90-EX | Resolution on Faculty Governance Position-Vice Chair of the Senate/Chair of Faculty Affairs Committee Passed: March 27, 1990 |
20-89/90-FA | Resolution on Planning Committee for Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Passed: March 27, 1990 |
21-89/90-EX | Resolution on Design for Native American Education, Final Report of the President's Task Force on Services to Native Americans |
22-89/90-EX | Resolution on Review of CSU Administration |
23-89/90-EX | Resolution on Faculty Privacy |
24-89/90-EX | Resolution on Increasing the Responsibilities of the Past General Faculty President Passed: May 1, 1990 |
25-89/90-FA | Resolution on Center Arts Programming Committee Passed: May 1, 1990 |
26-89/90-FA | Resolution on CSU Growth Plan Passed: May 1, 1990 |
27-89/90-EX | Resolution on Dropping Classes/Withdrawal Passed: May 1, 1990 |
28-89/90-EX | Resolution on Selection of Department Chairs Passed: May 1, 1990 |
29-89/90-EX | Resolution on Proposition 111 Passed: May 1, 1990 |
30-89/90-SA | Resolution on High Unit Registration Referred back to committee: May 1, 1990 |
31-89/90-SA | Resolution on an Academic Honesty Pamphlet Passed: May 8, 1990 |