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H (A-Z Index)


Department NameLocationPhone (707)Fax (707)
Handshake (Student Jobs)   
Hazardous MaterialsSBS 311826-3302826-3312
Health & Physical Education (see: Kinesiology & Recreation Administration)   
Health & Wellbeing Services, StudentHealth Center826-3146826-5042
Health EducationRecreation Wellness 123826-5228 
Health Portal   
Help Desk (Computer)Library 101826-4357 
Herbarium, Vascular PlantScience-D 161A826-4801 
HistoryFounders Hall 180826-3641826-4496
Housing & Residence LifeJolly Giant Commons826-3451826-5316
Housing: CashierJolly Giant Commons 313E826-5510826-5316
Housing: CustodialJolly Giant Commons826-3451826-5316
Housing: GroundsJolly Giant Commons826-5514826-5316
Housing: MaintenanceJolly Giant Commons 201826-3451826-5316
Housing: Off-Campus ResourcesJolly Giant Commons826-3451 
Housing: ResidentialJolly Giant Commons826-3451826-5316
Human Performance LabKA 254826-4979 
Human ResourcesSiemens Hall 212826-3626826-3625
Human Subjects in ResearchSBS 427826-5165 
Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center921 Waterfront Drive, Eureka 826-5100 
Humboldt BrandNelson Hall West 101826-3321 
Humboldt Digital Scholar   
Humboldt Economic IndexSiemens Hall 206E826-5544826-3206
Humboldt Institute for Interdisciplinary Marijuana Research 826-3216, 826-4446 
Humboldt Journal of Social RelationsBSS 539c826-4354826-4418
Humboldt Music AcademyMusic 128826-3411826-3528
Humboldt Orientation Program (HOP)Nelson Hall East 207826-3510826-5697
Humboldt Science and Mathematics CenterScience A room 35826-5552826-3201