Campus Update on Commencement and Dining Access

April 30, 2024 - 7: 56 p.m.

Cal Poly Humboldt will hold a modified in-person Commencement with local ceremonies on Saturday, May 11, 2024. More details will be announced later this week.

All students who have a meal plan, including those who live off campus, are free to use The J, College Creek Marketplace, and the Cupboard dining facilities, which will continue to operate during their regular business hours. 

With the hard closure of campus in place, no one is allowed to walk through the center of campus. To access Dining facilities, students must walk down LK Wood to Granite Avenue and back. Housing residents are free to leave and return to campus.

 See updates at

Course at a Glance

Beginning Pickleball: Skills and Drills (Option 1)
March 3 to March 24
In person: FULL

Beginning Pickleball: Skills and Drills (Option 1)

24050: FULL

With Jerry Saner, Instructor

Pickleball is a game that combines aspects of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. The court is the size of a badminton court. The paddles look like large ping-pong paddles and the ball is a plastic whiffle ball. You will learn the rules of the game and keeping score, along with basic skills like how to drive, drop, dink, and serve. Register by Feb. 28.

Sun., March 3-24 • 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

In person

$55 • Class #: This class is full.

Jerry Saner

Jerry Saner

Jerry Saner retired in July of 2014 from Humboldt State University after 18 years working as a cook, custodian and campus recycler in the Department of Sustainability. He is also a Humboldt State University alumnus. Jerry has taught cooking classes, helped to teach the campus community about recycling and has played and been a dungeon master for the past 30 years for a local gaming group. He's been teaching pickleball for OLLI at HSU since fall of 2017.