
English, B.A. | Class of
Gloria Pearlman
Composition Instructor
Employer: Western Washington University
Job description: I teach first-year writing/composition.
About Gloria
Why did you choose this program?
I pursued a degree in English in preparation for a graduate degree in creative writing. I'm currently pursuing a Master's of Fine Arts and teaching at Western Washington University. The mentorship I received at HSU was invaluable especially from cross-discipline professors, creative writing professors, and CRGS professors.
How did this program prepare you for your job?
The English and Critical Race, Gender, and Sexuality departments at HSU prepared me for interdisciplinary teaching. The scholars, books, and art I was exposed to at HSU are continually useful, inspiring, and helpful for my pedagogical development.
What did you enjoy most about the program?
I enjoyed that I was able to, with the help of my advisor, Professor Accomando, craft a degree plan that would allow me to branch out from the English department and earn a dual degree with CRGS. I found in the English department a deep well of support and guidance encouraging me to pursue scholarship across many subjects while still providing an invaluable foundation to my work as a creative writer.
What would you say to prospective students who are thinking about applying to this program?
The professors at HSU are continually open and attentive to their students, allowing for amazing mentorship bonds and opportunity. They are often engaged with interesting scholarship, research, and activism which they share readily with students. At HSU I was exposed to inspiring writers, poets, theorists, and activists, some of which you'd be hard pressed to find at bigger (expensive and fancy) universities.