
Ronnie Swartz, Ph.D., LCSW
have consulted with young people, families, adults, and organizations in education, healthcare, behavioral health, substance abuse, juvenile justice, child welfare, and advocacy systems. My current research, teaching, writing, and practice includes narrative therapy and community work, harm reduction in relation to problematic drug use and drug policy, social/economic policy, values, ethics, and the cultivation of love, kindness, and care skills in social work practice.
I received a BA in Philosophy from Brown University, a Master of Social Work from the University of Michigan, and a Ph.D. in Human and Organizational Systems from Fielding Graduate University. I served as the Chair of the Department of Social Work from 2009-2018 and have been the Director of the Altruistic Behavior Institute since 2010.
- Swartz, R. (2022). Re-stor(y)ing Trauma. International Journal of Social Work Values & Ethics, 19(1).
- Oliner, S., & Swartz R. (Eds.). (2021). What Kind of Future Will Our Children Inherit? Humboldt Press.
- Swartz, R., & Bassett, D. (2016). “Distributed Learning” and Online Education in Far Northern California. NASW California News, November.
- Morris, T., Mathias, C., Swartz, R., Jones, C.A., and Klungtvet-Morano, M. (2014). The Pathway Program: How a Collaborative, Distributed Learning Program Showed Us the Future of Social Work Education. Chapter 18 in Kurzman, P.A. & Maiden, R.P. Distance Learning and Online Education in Social Work. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Swartz, R. (2010). Medical marijuana users in substance abuse treatment. Harm Reduction Journal, 7 (3).
- Swartz, R. (2009). Affirming the "S" in HBSE through the Socio-Cultural Discourses of Lev Vygotsky, Barbara Myerhoff, Jerome Bruner, and Ken Gergen. Journal of Human Behavior and the Social Environment, 19(7).
- Swartz, R. (2009). "Reflections on Power and Privilege." In Congress, E., Black, P., & Strom-Gottfried, K. Teaching Social Work Values and Ethics: A Curriculum Resource, Second Edition. Alexandria, VA: Council on Social Work Education Press.
- Swartz, R. (2009). "Values and Ethics: The Philosophy of Social Work - MSW Course." In Congress, E., Black, P., & Strom-Gottfried, K. Teaching Social Work Values and Ethics: A Curriculum Resource, Second Edition . Alexandria, VA: Council on Social Work Education Press.
- Swartz, R. (2008). Some will rob you with a six gun, some with a fountain pen: social work education and the ecological folk wisdom of Woody Guthrie. MERLOT.
- Swartz, R. (2007). Social Work Values in An Age of Complexity. Journal of Social Work Values & Ethics, 4(3).
- Swartz, R. (2005). Making The Most With The Time You've Got: Myths and Real Experiences in Human Service Systems. In Gordon, L. J., Tullis, K., Hanson, A., Sowders, S. (Eds.). Building on family strengths: Research and services in support of children and their families. 2004 conference proceedings. Portland, OR: Portland State University, Research and Training Center on Family Support and Children's Mental Health. 117-121.
- Swartz, R. (2004). Narrative Work in Public Social Services through Wraparound Planning. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 23(2), 51-67.
- Swartz, R. (2004). The Spirit of Brief Work in the Human Services. In Gordon, L. J., Tullis, K., Hanson, A., Magee, A., Everhart, M., & Bradley, J. (Eds.). Building on family strengths: Research and services in support of children and their families. 2002 conference proceedings. Portland, OR: Portland State University, Research and Training Center on Family Support and Children's Mental Health. 179-182.
- Swartz, R. (1999). Relative Influence Questioning. Humboldt County Celebrates, 32, 2-3.
- Swartz, R. (1999). People and Problems. Humboldt County Celebrates, 41, 2-3.