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Create the Advisor Report

Initial Set Up (one time only)

This process only needs to be done once. It will save the parameters of the report.

Step 1: Go to Faculty Center 

Step 2: Select HUM On Demand Data Request from the column on the left.

Step 3: Select the Add a New Value tab to create a new report.

Step 4: Enter "Advisor" in the Run Control ID field.

Step 5: Click Add

HUM on demand data report

Step 6: Click on the magnifying glass next to the Job Name field.

Job name search

Step 7: Select Advisor Report - limited fields 

limited fields button highlighted

Step 8: In the Job Parameters window, click on the magnifying glass next to TERM.

Term search icon highlighted

Step 9: Select the term students are registering for from the search results.

Term for selected student item

Step 10: In the Advisor ID or Name field, enter your 9-digit Humboldt ID. [Do not enter your username.]

Step 11: Click Save.

Step 12: Click Run.

Run button highlighted

Step 13: The Process Scheduler Request window will open, select OK to finalize the process.

You will receive an Excel spreadsheet via email from The last column in the spreadsheet will show if the student has an advising hold. Data in the spreadsheet is from the previous day.