How to Update your Personal Information
You can add your chosen (preferred) name , personal pronouns, a diploma name, emergency contacts and more.
Using your phone? See instructions for changing your personal information using the mobile app.
Step 1: Sign into myHumboldt and open your Student Center. (Look for the grad cap icon)
Step 2: View the Personal Information section, select Names or an option from the Other Profile Information dropdown.
- To add or change pronouns, select Pronouns and skip to Step 4B.
- To add or change your address, select Addresses and skip to Step 4C.

Step 3: The Edit window will open for the option you selected. (This example is for entering a preferred name. )
- "Add a new" button to add a chosen (preferred) name.
- Click on the pencil icon to edit existing information.

Step 4: (Names) Enter your information and click OK. Click Save.

Step 5: (Names) Look for confirmation that the new information was successfully saved. Click on OK to return.

Step 4B: (Pronouns) Select your pronouns from the dropdown list. If yours isn't there, select Not Listed.

Step 5B: (Pronouns) If you selected pronouns from the list, they will autopopulate the fields. If you selected Not Listed, enter your pronouns in the Subject, Object and Possessive fields. Click Save.

Note: Once you click Save, your pronouns will show up immediately on class rosters. You will not receive a confirmation message.
Address Changes
Step 4C: Click the edit link (pencil icon) to change an existing address or select the "Add a new address" button to add an additional address.

Step 5C: The Edit Address window will open. Enter your new address or edit the existing address.
Step 6C: Select OK.