How to Set Up Turnitin in a Canvas Assignment
Create or Edit an assignment in Canvas.
In the assignment settings, ensure that Submission Type is set to Online, and that Online Entry Options are set to Text Entry and/or File Uploads.

Select Turnitin from the Plagiarism Review drop-down menu.

Choose what you want the Turnitin Submission settings to be. Here's a guide that explains the Turnitin Submission settings, so you can better understand what to choose: Canvas Turnitin Assignment Settings.

Save the assignment.
NOTE: The similarity score is a percentage of a paper's content that matches Turnitin's databases; it is not an assessment of whether the paper includes plagiarized material. Read more about Understanding the Similarity Report. You can access the similarity report for students’ submissions from within Speedgrader. For more assistance, check out this guide: Instructors: How do I grade Turnitin assignments in Speedgrader?