Emeritus & Retired Faculty & Staff Association

The Humboldt-Emeritus, Retired Faculty and Staff Association (Humboldt-ERFSA), working with the statewide organization (CSU-ERFSA), strives to secure and protect the rights & benefits of Humboldt/CSU retirees.
The association works to keep Cal Poly Humboldt retirees connected with each other and with the activities that are ongoing at the Cal Poly Humboldt campus. We have monthly luncheons during the academic year with dynamic and versatile speakers. Presenters include faculty, staff and students affiliated with Cal Poly Humboldt, as well as the occasional community members.
All California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt retirees who are CALPERS annuitants, any Cal Poly Humboldt emeritus faculty or staff, and CALPERS annuitant retirees from other CSU campuses, are eligible for membership in this Association, as well as encouraged to become members in the CSU Emeritus and Retired Faculty and Staff Association.
To join Humboldt-ERFSA, please pay electronically at:
Applying for Emeritus Status
- Retiree completes: Humboldt-University Senate: Informational Template for Emeritus Status.
- Retiree’s Nominator completes: Spring 2025 Humboldt Staff & Faculty Emeritus Nomination form.
Nomination letters are due September 1, and February 1.
Faculty Handbook: Section 540:Emeritus Faculty and Staff Policy
Emeritus status may be granted to any currently retired academic, administrative, staff or faculty if they have a written nomination from their former department personnel committee, Department Chair, or Supervisor in their former academic unit or working unit ; or the Cal Poly Humboldt-Emeritus, Retired Faculty and Staff Association (Humboldt-ERFSA) can nominate them when their previous supervisors or department chairs are no longer employed or in a position to nominate them verifying they meet the criteria for emeritus status:
- retirement from the Cal Poly Humboldt;
- having provided ten or more years of full-time service or its aggregated equivalent at this campus; and
- meritorious contributions to teaching, scholarship, and/or service to Humboldt/CSU.
- A history of conduct or behavior that contravenes basic university policies or the university purpose, vision or core values and beliefs, including serious criminal offenses, fraud, or Title IX violations, is cause for denial of Emeritus status. Individuals involved in ongoing investigations for such conduct or behavior are not eligible for emeritus status until the conclusion of the investigation(s).
Benefits of Emeritus Status at Cal Poly Humboldt
In accordance with Email Policy P21-01, Section I.E.: Retired faculty and staff with an official emeritus designation may retain their individual employee email accounts as long as their accounts remain active (defined as accessing the account at least once a year and not allowing the password to expire).
So far as space, resources, and priorities permit, Cal Poly Humboldt offers amenities to assist emeriti faculty, staff and administrators in their scholarly or professional pursuits, including but not limited to: the assignment of an appropriate office space if available, and access to equipment or services; the right to compete for research grants through the Sponsored Programs Foundation; use of the library; attendance at department faculty meetings as ex-officio, non-voting members with floor privileges; the same discounts for use of academic resources such as books and software as active faculty; eligibility for the appointment and/or election to faculty committees; and free parking. Emeritus faculty, staff, and administrators are also encouraged to become members in the CSU Emeritus and Retired Faculty and Staff Association, as well as the Humboldt ERFSA (
Cal Poly Humboldt Emeritus Status ID
There are two ways to get your Cal Poly Humboldt Faculty Emeritus Status ID.
- At the library’s front desk ask for an emeritus faculty ID. The staff looks up your emeritus status & then they will print you an ID. The library hours vary.
- Online--the instructions link is:
How to obtain parking permit
Emeritus Faculty may obtain an Humboldt free Parking Permit by sending an email in advance to or requesting a parking permit at the Humboldt Parking Kiosk. You must bring your Humboldt Emeritus ID to show the Parking staff to get your free parking permit.
Meeting/Event Schedule
Time: 11:30 am
Place: In-person Meeting at Baywood Golf and Country Club 3600 Buttermilk Ln, Arcata , CA
February 13, 2025: Connie Stewart, Cal Poly Humboldt Executive Director of Initiatives, University Advancement. "Health Initiatives in Rural Areas"
Connie has the honor of hosting the North Coast Health Leadership Team, a group of Health and Human Services Chief Executive Officers from Humboldt and Del Norte Counties. She will give an update on some of the health-related projects happening in the region and ways to engage in advocacy to help. Connie will also touch on some of the other projects she's working on including broadband access and the Blue/Green workforce.
Introduction by Kumi Watanabe-Schock, Humboldt-ERFSA Communication Chair
March 13, 2025: Lisa E. Feldman, Assistant United States Attorney, Cyber and Intellectual Property Crimes Section, U.S. Department of Justice, United States Attorney's Office. "Cyber and Intellectual Property Crimes"
Assistant U.S. Attorney Lisa Feldman will be speaking about the latest sophisticated cyber-crimes and how to avoid them. She will also discuss cases involving intellectual property crime.
Introduction by Marshelle Thobaben, Humboldt-ERFSA President
April 10, 2025: Sarah Lasley, Assistant Professor, Cal Poly Humboldt Art + Film. "No-budget Independent Filmmaking for Change"
Humboldt-ERFSA 2023 Grant Recipient Sarah Lasley will discuss her latest no-budget film "Welcome to the Enclave", an experimental short that screened at 27 international film festivals, 4 of them Oscar-qualifying, won multiple awards, and was reviewed in major media publications. She will also present her upcoming film "Climate Control" which was created in close collaboration with her Cal Poly Humboldt Film students. Two of these students traveled to Germany with her, with the generous support of her 2023 ERFSA grant, to shoot the documentary portion of the film.
Introduction by Lou Ann Wieand, Humboldt-ERFSA Treasurer
May 8, 2025: Maxwell Schnurer, Chair, Communication Department and Transformative Restorative Education Center (TREC); Mark Taylor, MSW, Project Rebound; Steve Ladwig, TREC; Sidney Asfrzadeh, TREC. "Cal Poly Humboldt BA at Pelican Bay State Prison"
Cal Poly Humboldt currently offers a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications at Pelican Bay State Prison. The presenters will discuss what it is like to teach university level courses to students at California highest security prison.
How to join
(local and state organizations)
To join Humboldt-ERFSA, please pay electronically at: Cashnet or send your check to the Cashier’s Office, SBS 285, 1 Harpst St, Cal Poly Humboldt, Arcata, CA 95521. Semester dues are only $25.00 to help defray the cost of advertising, mailings, socials, and other miscellaneous expenses, you can also opt to pay for the entire year, by using the "Quantity" drop down menu to the left of the amount, shown below:

You can click the down arrow and will be able to pay for up to two (2) semesters at a time.
To join CSU-ERFSA please go to CSU-ERFSA Membership. CSU-ERFSA dues range from $5 to $10 per month depending on the retiree's gross monthly retirement benefit from CalPERS (or in a few cases STRS). A portion of these dues is returned to the member's local affiliated campus retiree organization if any. The membership information page includes more details and a membership application. For more information visit
Executive Committee
The day-to-day operations of Humboldt-ERFSA are carried out by the Executive Committee, which is composed of volunteer members of the association.
Humboldt-ERFSA Executive Committee Members
Marshelle Thobaben, Emerita Professor, Nursing, President, and ERFSA Senate Representative to the University Senate
Jeffry Borgeld, Emeritus Professor, Oceanography, Membership Chair
Lou Ann Wieand, Emerita Professor, Psychology, Treasurer
Susan Dobie, Emerita Lecturer, Communications, Program Chair
Kumi Watanabe-Schock, Emerita Library Media Coordinator, Communication Chair
Mark Johnson, Liaison with the President's Office, Acting Vice President, University Advancement and Executive Director, Cal Poly Humboldt Foundation
Contact individual Humboldt-ERFSA Executive Committee Members by clicking their names above.
You may also use this link to contact the entire Executive Committee.