Humboldt Music Academy

Music classes for ages 2 through 18
This program is not currently being offered.
Humboldt Music Academy provides quality music education to children ages 2 through 18. We serve our diverse community by offering affordable
Our teaching staff includes Cal Poly Humboldt Dept. of Music faculty and students, and other qualified community members.
We believe that music-making is a joyful, cherished part of everyday life.
We welcome students of all ability levels in a relaxed environment. Need-based scholarships are available to students every term.
Humboldt Music Academy is offered during the fall, winter, and spring terms. Each 9-week term roughly follows school district calendars. Classes and ensembles meet on the Cal Poly Humboldt campus on Saturdays. Individual instruction takes place throughout the week at the mutual convenience of faculty and students.
Saturday classes and lessons take place in the Music and Theater Arts buildings and in Siemens Hall on the Cal Poly Humboldt campus. Parking is free in all campus lots on Saturdays.
Naomi Powell, Managing Director, 707-826-3411
Gregg Moore, Artistic Director
Humboldt Music Academy Mission Statement
Recognizing the personal and communal enrichment that individuals and their environments realize through the medium of music, the Humboldt Music Academy seeks to encourage the mindful study and practice of music by the residents of Humboldt County of all ages.
With the understanding that musical expression and performance takes many forms, the Humboldt Music Academy strives to respect all forms of musical expression and dedicates its energies to finding learning opportunities for any and all musical interests of the local community.
Through the provision of a friendly and stimulating learning atmosphere for students of all ages and skill levels, we seek to provide:
- a welcoming center with a diverse atmosphere for music learning in our community
- high quality teachers who are local practitioners
- a solid foundation for those inclined to further their musical studies
- instruction in the technical skills to realize a wide variety of musical styles
as well as to promote:
- a passion for music making on an amateur level that will enhance the musical lives of our communities.
- a sense of curiosity about music of all genres.
- a strong sense of community through musical collaboration and performance.
- fluency in music.
- the thrill of music well learned and well played.
- an awareness of, a capacity for, and a disposition toward a disciplined examination of human experience.
- a sound academic and practical foundation for assuming the roles and responsibilities of a productive member of the community.
The Humboldt Music Academy accepts and strives to fulfill the charge that each person participating in the study of music in the academy will be able to perceive music in an enlightened and discerning way; respond to the expressive qualities of music with sensitivity and appreciation; and be capable of sharing their perceptions and responses with others through the vocabulary and activities intrinsic to music and the scholarship of music.