Leadership & Contact

Dr. Jenn Capps
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Jenn oversees the academic affairs of Cal Poly Humboldt's individual colleges, the faculty, and the curriculum, plus the Library; Information Technology Services; Office of Research, Economic and Community Development; College of Extended Education and Global Engagement; Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; and Institutional Research, Analytics, and Reporting.
Provost's Leadership Team
The Office of Academic Affairs Leadership Team, advises and assists the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs in the determination of fund and personnel allocations and other administrative matters for the academic sector. Additionally, it serves as a channel of communication both to and from the faculty members in the various colleges.
Office Contacts
Main Office
Siemens Hall (SH) 216
(707) 826-3722
Lauren Lynch
Executive Assistant to the Provost
(707) 826-5083
SH 216A
Nate Cacciari-Roy
Budget Analyst
(707) 826-4581
SH 209
Patrick Malloy
Operations Coordinator
(707) 826-4205
SH 216
Julie Stewart
Administrative Support Coordinator
(707) 826-5089
SH 216