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Alumni Updates

Maureen Tubbiola

Psychology, 1983

Maureen took her Bachelor's degree in psychology ('83) in a neurobiology direction through opportunities provided by Humboldt State faculty who connected her to employment in electron microscopy at the University of Utah. She proceeded to earn both an M.S. and a Ph.D. in Zoology at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, where she discovered interest in teaching. She has just returned to her position as Full Professor in Biological Sciences after serving as the Associate Dean of the College of Science and Engineering at St. Cloud State University in Minnesota. She is very excited to see her alma mater transition to Cal Poly status!

Annhenrie Campbell

Business Administration, 1978 B.A., 1988 M.B.A.

Annhenrie taught accounting at CSU Stanislaus for 33 years. After numerous academic publications, she is most proud of a recent article, "Unsupervised Birder," in Habitat, the newsletter of the Stanislaus Audubon Society where she is Treasurer. She enjoys joining field trips for birding and native plants throughout Central California and taking classes in the local lifelong learning program, similar to OLLI. She is Vice President of the Stanislaus Chapter of ERFSA, the Emeritus and Retired Faculty and Staff Association, and serves as Treasurer of the Stanislaus Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi honor society.

Dave Albert

Kinesiology, 1994

Dave recently retired after working over 20 years as a police officer in Santa Cruz. He is currently working part-time in law enforcement training in the Bay Area and otherwise spends time with his wife, three adult kids, and one (so far) grandkid. He frequents Tahoe in the summer at the lake and in the winter on the slopes, he enjoys traveling to as many different Major League Baseball stadiums as possible, and he is still best friends with his old HSU roommate!

Stephanie Rosier

Psychology, 2014

After graduation, Stephanie worked as a senior client advocate at Humboldt Domestic Violence Services. She then moved on to work as the Early Recovery Specialist at Aegis Treatment Centers in Ventura, California, for six years. In 2022 she moved to Missoula, Montana, where she continued to utilize the skills she learned obtaining her Psychology degree at Humboldt, acting as a mental health coordinator for Missoula County.

Karen Partch (Beal)

Social Work, 1983

Karen retired in December 2023 after a long career in both teaching preschool early on and then in social work for 34 years. She worked in adoptions, child protective services, and the bulk of her career as an advocate for children and adults with developmental disabilities. In addition to her paid career, she was a volunteer youth leader through various churches for over 25 years. She is now a California State Parks volunteer and enjoys having more time to be outdoors and engage in her hobbies.

Danielle Cenotti

Recreation Administration, 2018

Danielle spent two seasons working at a Bear Observatory in Alaska before the pandemic.  After substitute teaching for a few years to get through the pandemic, and working one season at Redwood National Park, she started working outreach and event planning for the Social Work Department at Cal Poly Humboldt. She has been married for over a year and earned a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Sandra L. Neumann

Psychology, 1995 (BA) and 1997 (MA)

Sandra was recently awarded the University of Wisconsin system's P.B. Poorman Award for Outstanding Achievement on Behalf of LGBTQ+ People. She is currently an Associate Professor of Psychology at UW Stevens Point - Marshfield campus.

Donald Cresse

Economics, 1985

After 27+ years, Donald Cresse has retired from the LA Department of Water and Power. He worked as an energy conservation rep and then as a supervisor in recycled water. Cresse claims that Drs. Ruprecht and Jewett were instrumental in his education and is thankful for their guidance. Also, Dr. Lehman, who taught him "Appropriate Technology." Cresse says if not for Humboldt and these great professors, he would not be happily retired.

Stephanie Rosier

Psychology, 2014

After graduating from HSU, Stephanie worked as a Senior Advocate at Humboldt Domestic Violence Services for two years and as a Shelter Coordinator at YWCA Glendale. She then worked as an Early Recovery Specialist at Aegis Treatment Centers in Ventura, CA, and two years ago, she moved to Missoula, MT, where she worked as a county Mental Health Coordinator. She loves the nature-focused culture of Montana but misses the redwoods! Humboldt State University provided her with many experiences and tools that have helped her build her career and give back to the community, and she will always be grateful. 

Lamar Miles

Liberal Studies Elementary Education, 1999

Billy Lamar Miles recently celebrated 10 years as a Quizmaster for King Trivia Inc. Not everyone can say they love their job, but he does.