Find out what our students, faculty, and staff are being recognized for.
Cynthia Le Doux-Bloom
Fisheries Biology
Invited presenter, along with Drs. Peter Moyle and David Ostrach, to address the California Fish & Game Commssion on the 1996 Striped Bass Policy and its fishery implications.
Kjirsten Wayman
Participated as a member of the review committee that met in October 2019 at the Mt Cuba Center in Delaware to review the taxonomic and conservation status of the North American Trillium species. This meeting was a combined effort of the International Union of Conservation of Nature (IUCN), NatureServe, BioPark, and several Trillium experts and conservationists from across the country. Results from this meeting will be used for future conservation efforts and will be published by the IUCN for viewing by the general public.
Seafha Ramos
Seafha Ramos (Yurok/Karuk), National Science Foundation postdoctoral fellow, has been selected as a participant in "Lighting the Pathway to Faculty Careers for Natives in STEM". The program is offered by the American Indian Science and Engineering Society to increase the representation of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians in STEM faculty positions at universities across the country. Support is provided via professional conference attendance, access to a mentorship network, and a stipend. Dr. Ramos is hosted by the HSU Wildlife Department, with Dr. Matthew Johnson kindly serving as her mentor.
Cynthia Le Doux-Bloom, Darren Ward
Fisheries Biology
Co-hosted a two day workshop funded by STEM NET, Blue Lake Casio, and Tribal Tech to investigate the Klamath Basin Tribes' interest in developing new Native and Western sciences collaborations around dam removal for HSU students. Attendees includes Tribal members from the Klamath Tribes, Hoopa, Yurok, and others, Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, Klamath River Renewal Corp., Klamath Basin Monitoring Program, UC Davis, and HSU staff and faculty.
Cynthia Le Doux-Bloom
Fisheries Biology
Received $30,000 from Bureau of Reclamation proposal entitled, "Using juvenile lamprey to assess Tribal Drinking Water Quality on the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation." Pilot Study, Phase II.
Alison O'Dowd
Environmental Science & Management
Awarded $112,000 by Trinity River Restoration Program in collaboration with the Yurok and Hoopa Tribes to conduct a pulse release study on benthic macroinvertebrate drift and a seasonal inundation study of invertebrate community development
Kerry Byrne
Environmental Science & Management
Gave a public talk at the California Native Plant Society North Coast Chapter, "Astounding Astragalus in Humboldt County and Beyond"
Rosebelle Ines
Environmental Science & Management
Received a travel award to present her research as a poster presentation at the 2020 Emerging Researchers National Conference in STEM. Her poster title is "Effects of Beehive Ginger (Zingiber spectabile) on Leaf Litter Arthropods Across Forest Types at Las Cruces Biological Station, Costa Rica"
Adam Carter
Computer Science
Received $76,786 from multi-institutional NSF grant "Exploring Brownfield Programming Assignments in Undergraduate Computing Education" (total award: $477,774)
Wyeth Wunderilch, Edward Davis, Jasper Oshun, Margaret Lang
Jasper Oshun and two HSU students presented at the American Geophysical Union Annual Conference in San Francisco. The work is part of a Geoscientists Without Borders Award directed by Jasper Oshun and Margaret Lang (ERE).
Wyeth Wunderlich (MS, Environmental Systems-Geology) presented a poster on water storage in high Andean wetlands.
Edward Davis (B.S. Geology, 2019) presented a poster on geophysical imaging of the subsurface of an Andean watershed.
Jasper Oshun presented a talk explaining the importance of bofedales, or peatlands, in sustaining flow in mountain catchments.