Find out what our students, faculty, and staff are being recognized for.
Jade Morning Sky Little, Daniel Barton, Shannon Brinkman, Claire Nasr
Presented paper "Pelagic cormorant nesting success and oceanic conditions in northern California" at The Western Section of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting in Yosemite, CA
HSU undergraduate wildlife students Samuel Vassallo, Devon Michels, Alex Lewis, Evan Miller, and Marcie Mathieu and faculty member Daniel Barton
HSU's Wildlife Conclave team was featured in the two ways in The Wildlife Society's national magazine, The Wildlife Professional. The 2019 National Championship team (Samuel Vassallo, Devon Michels, Alex Lewis, Evan Miller, and Marcie Mathieu) are photographed and featured in an article on quiz bowl, and faculty member Daniel Barton wrote a short article entitled "A proud quiz bowl tradition at Humboldt State" for the magazine.
Claire Nasr
Wildlife Graduate Student Claire Nasr Presented paper "Measuring relative disturbance risk to marine wildlife in northern California" at Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting, Kauai, HI.…
Adam Mohr
Wildlife Graduate Student Adam Mohr presented talk at The Western Section of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting in Yosemite, CA, "Tule elk habitat selection in the Carrizo Plains Region"
Robert Gearheart
Environmental Science & Management
Robert Gearheart was awarded a National Wetlands Award for Science Research. The ceremony will be in Washington DC in May.
Michael Perez
Environmental Science & Management
Michael Perez was selected for the Panetta Congressional internship for fall 2019. One student from each CSU campus is selected each year for this prestigious internship in Washington D.C. Michael hopes to learn about and ultimately contribute positively to the policy-making process regarding climate change.
Len Mazur
Environmental Science & Management
ESM student Len Mazur has been awarded a North Coast Native Plant Society Research Grant for his project entitled "Biological Assessment for Two Darlingtonia Fens in the Mill Creek Watershed in Del Norte Redwoods State Park"
Natalie Arroyo
Environmental Science & Management
Environmental Science & Management Instructor and Eureka City Councilmember Natalie Arroyo was recently named Assembly District 2 2019 Woman of the Year. Arroyo was selected by Assemblyman Jim Wood.
From Wood's office:
Today Assemblymember Jim Wood (D-Santa Rosa) honors Assembly District 2’s 2019 Woman of the Year, Natalie Arroyo. Every year each Assemblymember has the privilege of selecting someone to be honored who serves their community with dedication and distinction. The day includes personal recognition during the legislative session in the Assembly Chambers and a luncheon. “Today we have the opportunity to recognize Natalie for her achievements and commitment to making a difference in the Eureka community,” said Wood.
Natalie lives and works on the North Coast in Eureka and was recently re-elected to her second term on the Eureka City Council. As a Councilperson, Natalie helped complete Eureka’s nearly 7-mile waterfront trail which is part of the California Coastal Trail, supported a Strategic Arts Plan that has demonstrated the value of the arts community in Humboldt County and initiated the return of 200 acres of culturally important land to the Wiyot Tribe. Representing Eureka, Natalie also serves on the board of the Humboldt Transit Authority.
By day, Natalie is a senior planner with the Natural Resources division of Redwood Community Action Agency, and is an enlisted member of the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve, stationed at Humboldt Bay – and that’s when she isn’t lecturing at Humboldt State University.
Because of her passion for trails and fisheries health, Natalie serves on the board of the Humboldt Trails Council, and served on the board of the Salmonid Restoration Federation, a statewide organization dedicated to restoring native California salmon and trout.
“Natalie is more than an inspiration in Humboldt County,” said Wood. “Her career, her elected office, her service in the Coast Guard and her volunteer work demonstrates her amazing 24-7 commitment to public service.”
Lucy Kerhoulas, Allyson Carroll, Jim Campbell-Spickler
Forestry, Fire & Rangeland Management
Professor Lucy Kerhoulas and Research Associates Allyson Carroll and Jim Campbell-Spickler are featured in a five-year exhibit at the California Academy of Sciences called "Giants of Land and Sea." The exhibit features their research on redwood trees. Read more about it here:
Lonny Grafman
Environmental Resources Engineering
Spanish edition of new book, Atrapando la lluvia, hit number 1 new release in Environmental Studies on Amazon.