Our History and Mission
EOP Mission Statement
The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) serves as a primary vehicle for the CSU in increasing the access, academic excellence and retention of California's educationally and economically disadvantaged students, thus working in the spirit and abiding by the legislative intent that originally established the program in 1969.
The core of our program services are built upon a student-centered/empowerment model which leverages an educational and co-curricular path for building student autonomy and self-reliance; for helping students to foster a sense of resilience and self-determination to overcome social, cultural, and systemic oppression; and for becoming actively engaged leaders.
EOP/SSS History at Humboldt
EOP is established in the CSU system.
EOP is established at Humboldt. Cruz Esquivel serves as the first EOP Director.
SSS is established at Humboldt with Guillermo Marquez named as the first SSS director. SSS is placed under the supervision of the EOP Director. This reporting line ensures administrative coordination of services to low-income students from under served backgrounds at Humboldt.
EOP/SSS Program components include local recruitment (EOP), admissions (EOP), advising (SSS), tutoring (SSS), developmental English and math instruction (EOP), learning skills development (SSS), and a “mini cultural center” (EOP).
The EOP staff is comprised of an Associate Dean/EOP Director (who also has supervision for Upward Bound and the Children’s Center), an Associate Director, Department Secretary, and an administrative Secretary. The SSS program is comprised of a Director, two counselors, and a tutorial coordinator.
EOP breaks the “200” student mark, with a total enrollment of 207 students. The first Early Warning system is implemented in the form of “progress reports” from faculty. EOP coordinates the first developmental courses in English & Math that are offered on the Humboldt campus, in collaboration with College of the Redwoods. This provides students with a “stepping stone” into higher level Math & English classes. The first EOP newsletter is published.

In 1975 the EOP Peer Counseling component is added to program services. A developmental course in Chemistry is added to those offered on the Humboldt Campus. Due to budget constraints, one counselor position is eliminated from SSS.

EOP base budget is augmented, adding an EOP counselor/developmental instruction coordinator and a clerical assistant. Efforts to increase local recruitment to Native American students and to utilize lower division transfer slots for special admissions is established.
EOP & SSS are formally combined, creating the first iteration of “EOP/SSS” at Humboldt. The Associate Director of EOP is dually appointed as the SSS director, with salary savings from the former SSS director helping to reinstate one SSS counselor position and an administrative support position, which had previously been lost in prior budget reductions
The EOP “College Survival” course is created, with positive outcomes related to GPA, academic standing, and persistence.


Learning Skills Coordinator position (SSS) is added to the program staff to provide individualized developmental support.

EOP retention components expand and space is provided for EOP Tutoring and EOP Learning Skills staff in Little Apartments, House 71. This becomes the EOP Tutoring and Learning Skills Centers.
Humboldt has it's first Summer Bridge Orientation.
EOP breaks the “300” student mark, with a total enrollment of 302 students.
EOP breaks the “400” student mark, with a total enrollment of 403 students.