What is Project Rebound?

Project Rebound is a program that admits students across the CSU system who are motivated to succeed in a field of study that leads to a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree or beyond. We are committed to meeting the needs of students, who often face a wide array of challenges that have caused them to be left behind. We strive to provide each student with the individualized support that they need to succeed.
Project Rebound acts as a liaison with campus services and programs as well as community organizations in order to advocate for people on campus and in the community. By offering resources and connections with supportive entities, Project Rebound attempts to help students with their basic needs so that, through higher education, they can:
- Cultivate skills in critical thinking and writing, oral communication, quantitative reasoning, and ethical reasoning.
- Enhance their capacity for civic engagement and community leadership to secure meaningful and gratifying employment.
- Empower themselves, their families, and their communities.
- Reduce harmful behavior toward oneself, family, and community, including substance use and violence.
- Humanize public attitudes towards currently and formerly incarcerated people in order to facilitate reintegration and eliminate collateral consequences of criminal convictions related to social stigmatization and marginalization.
Being a part of Project Rebound is now a core aspect of my identity and self-concept. The program helped me finish my master's degree and nurture a home in Humboldt among true friends. This network is statewide. Our community has no borders, or walls, or fences.
- Crane, Former Project Rebound Student