Integrated Assessment and Planning Working Group (IAPW)
The IAPW facilitates coordination and communication among the staff members who support assessment across the
The IAPW charge:
- Supports the development of processes, guidelines, and structures for integrated assessment and planning.
- Reviews and reports on the alignment of institutional operations with campus purpose and strategic goals, as
- evidenced by the aggregate results of periodic program reviews and annual assessment reports.
- Participates in technical assistance through sharing information on best practices and resources related to
- assessment findings and their uses in improving student success and administrative services;
- Represents the initiative and the IAP within their division by carrying information and supporting capacity
- building for assessment activities;
- Supports the implementation of the campus’s operational and co-curricular assessment-related priorities and
- initiatives.
- Structures and supports activities that highlight best practices (e.g. annual campus forum or symposium).
- Communicate exemplary practices at program/unit and higher institutional levels at HSU.
- Provide assessment-related expertise on working groups, committees and task forces, standing and ad-hoc as
- needed.
- Recommends to Administration and Senate strategies to address accreditation expectations related to
- co-curricular and operational assessment.
- Increase awareness and accessibility of HSU’s strategic planning and assessment goals.
Representatives on IAPW from:
Division of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs:
- Eboni Turnbow Ford
- Corliss Bennett
- Rob Keever
- Stephen St. Onge
University Advancement:
- Stephanie Lane
- Angie Petroske
Office of the President:
- Lisa Bond-Maupin (Co-chair)
- Cooper Jones
- Kelly Kime
Division of Academic Affairs:
- Amy Moffat (Co-chair)
- Elavie Ndura
- Mike Le
- Cyril Oberlander
- George Wrenn
- Shawna Young
- Heather Madar
- Rick Zechman
Division of Administrative Affairs / Finance:
- Liz Whitchurch
- Patrick Orona
University Senate:
- Monty Mola