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Integrated Assessment and Planning Working Group (IAPW)

The IAPW facilitates coordination and communication among the staff members who support assessment across the

The IAPW charge:

  1. Supports the development of processes, guidelines, and structures for integrated assessment and planning.
  2. Reviews and reports on the alignment of institutional operations with campus purpose and strategic goals, as
  3. evidenced by the aggregate results of periodic program reviews and annual assessment reports.
  4. Participates in technical assistance through sharing information on best practices and resources related to
  5. assessment findings and their uses in improving student success and administrative services;
  6. Represents the initiative and the IAP within their division by carrying information and supporting capacity
  7. building for assessment activities;
  8. Supports the implementation of the campus’s operational and co-curricular assessment-related priorities and
  9. initiatives.
  10. Structures and supports activities that highlight best practices (e.g. annual campus forum or symposium).
  11. Communicate exemplary practices at program/unit and higher institutional levels at HSU.
  12. Provide assessment-related expertise on working groups, committees and task forces, standing and ad-hoc as
  13. needed.
  14. Recommends to Administration and Senate strategies to address accreditation expectations related to
  15. co-curricular and operational assessment.
  16. Increase awareness and accessibility of HSU’s strategic planning and assessment goals.

Representatives on IAPW from:

Division of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs:

  • Eboni Turnbow Ford
  • Corliss Bennett
  • Rob Keever
  • Stephen St. Onge

University Advancement:

  • Stephanie Lane
  • Angie Petroske

Office of the President:

  • Lisa Bond-Maupin (Co-chair)


  • Cooper Jones
  • Kelly Kime

Division of Academic Affairs:

  • Amy Moffat (Co-chair)
  • Elavie Ndura
  • Mike Le
  • Cyril Oberlander
  • George Wrenn
  • Shawna Young
  • Heather Madar
  • Rick Zechman

Division of Administrative Affairs / Finance:

  • Liz Whitchurch
  • Patrick Orona

University Senate:

  • Monty Mola