Culturally Responsive Academic Advising

Discover academic guidance tailored to your unique journey with the Umoja Center for Pan African Student Excellence where we take immense pride in supporting the success of Black college students. Our culturally relevant advising services are designed to ignite your academic potential, celebrate your cultural identity, and propel you towards unprecedented achievements. APPLY TODAY! The link to apply can be found on the home page or contatct our Academic Advisor, Harrelle, at for more information. #AcademicSuccess #BlackAcademics
Sanctuary/Lounge Space

The Umoja Center is your space. We have couches, a cell phone charging station, and a large flat-screen TV. Come by and study with a friend, connect with faculty or staff during drop-in hours, or just take a nap.
Need to print that paper or assignment for class? The Umoja Center offers free printing (up to 20 pages a day)! Our goal is not to be a print kiosk, but we want to provide resources for students who utilize the Center. We also have a map that will help you find all the other quick print kiosks located around campus.
Smart TV/Video Games

The Center is equipped with a stereo sound system and a PS3. With our emphasis on academic excellence, during regular Center hours we restrict game play. But be on the lookout for our upcoming Video Game Tournament. Also, if your club wants to host an event in the Center and utilize the blu-ray player or gaming console, just send us an email at and we will work to try to accommodate your request.
Black Brilliance Resource & Reference Library

The Umoja Center has a growing collection of books and dvds by and/or about Black people, culture and history. Come check out our stacks and find the perfect resource for your research paper or presentation. Learn some history. We have a number of books that are available for loan and several that are available for use in the Center.

Need to work on that paper or take that online quiz? The Umoja Center has four laptops that are available for student use in the space. Be sure to save your work to the cloud or on your own flashdrive!
Sankofa House

Sankofa House is an on campus living community intended for students with an interest in exploring Black culture, history, identity, and African diasporic intellectual traditions. Prospective residents must complete a supplemental application regarding their interests in this community; admittance will be contingent upon this application. To find out more please visit Humboldt's theme housing options.