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Provost Communication, Wednesday, May 15, 2024

May 15, 2024

Hello everyone,


I hope your Wednesday is going okay. I know many of you are getting back to campus during this soft opening and I hope that you are able to access your workspaces without too much trouble. I also appreciate that faculty are in the thick of a time crunch in wrapping up Spring 2024 semester grades. 


Grading Deadline Extension Reminder

In the event you missed the grade extension information I provided in the Monday Provost Communication, I wanted to remind you that in partnership with the registrar, I have extended the grading deadline to Friday, May 17, 2024, at 11:59 pm. Please note that this extension is not a requirement to continue to work but rather an offer for more grace for faculty as they have sought to prioritize the needs of their students during this challenging end of the semester. Please strive to complete grade submissions by Wednesday, May 15, 2024, as students need their grades posted as soon as possible for various reasons including summer school eligibility, graduate school, financial aid, and other considerations.  


Regional Commencement

I also wanted to recognize the second annual regional commencement ceremony that took place at the Saban Theatre in Beverly Hills, California yesterday. As a reminder, we started holding a regional commencement to offer accessibility for families who may have barriers to traveling up to Humboldt to share in their graduates' celebration. I am always inspired by the sheer number of guests and family members who attend this ceremony. Thanks so much to the faculty, staff, and administrators who made this commencement a success. It is really special. 


Summer Session

Online and on-campus courses will run as usual for Summer 2024.  It is important to us that students are able to continue making progress toward their degrees and that they know of the summer tuition offer; enroll and stay in at least 6 units and the campus will cover up to 4 of those unit fees. Please help us get the word out to students and direct them to visit Summer Aid for more information.


Enrollment remains open, with seats available in a wide variety of courses. Please direct students to visit Summer Term to find the summer courses that are right for them.


Save the Dates: August 22 and August 23, 2024

As green days quickly come to a close, I want to ask you all to “save the dates” for two important events in August 2024. On Thursday, August 22, 2024, I will hold our Academic Affairs Welcome back. The exact time is to be determined but it will likely be a late afternoon time frame to create space to connect as a division, reflect on the past academic year, and set intentions for the new year. Please also save Friday, August 23, 2024, for Professional Development Day. More details will come over the summer but I anticipate this event to take place in the morning and conclude by early afternoon. 


With that, I will close out my provost communications for the 2023-2024 Academic Year and begin again on the first green day of the fall semester which is Monday, August 19, 2024. I hope that the summer offers you some space to recharge, rest, think, and reflect. I am looking forward to a little bit of daylight between meetings, phone calls, text messages, and emails to consider each person who has reached out to me over the course of the academic year and in particular over the past month. You are valuable and important, each and every one of you and I look forward to growing together as a campus. Thank you for all that you do.




Jenn Capps


Jenn Capps, PhD 

Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs 

Cal Poly Humboldt