Timely Warnings & Emergency Notifications
Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications are designed to alert our campus community (students, employees, and often times guests) to potential threats or other concerning situations that are occurring on campus. The main focuses are safety and transparency. Within these notifications, the University will often include information so that individuals can take safety precautions for themselves.
We recognize that the content of these messages can often times increase someone's stress or anxiety, or potentially remind them of past situations they may have experienced or witnessed. The below identified resources are available should a member of our campus community need them:
- Campus Advocate Team (available 24/7, for anyone, free): 707-445-2881
- CARE Services (for students)
- Counseling and Psychological Services (for students): 707-826-3236
- Employee Assistance Program (for employees)
- TimelyCare (available 24/7)
- Title IX & DHR Prevention Office
Timely Warnings
Timely Warnings are issued when it is determined that a serious or ongoing threat to the campus community exists, following a report of a Clery Act crime that occurred on Clery Act geography. When University Police is notified of such a crime, the Chief of Police will confer with the Clery Director to determine whether the incident meets all of the following factors:
- It is a Clery reportable crime
- It occurred on Clery geography
- The situation poses a serious or ongoing threat to the community
Each reported incident is analyzed on a case-by-case basis. If a Timely Warning Crime Bulletin is necessary, it will be issued in a manner likely to reach the campus community, such as mass texts through a campus alert, e-mail distribution, and/or posting on the campus website(s).
Emergency Notifications
Emergency Notifications are issued upon the confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurring on campus. Some examples of situations that would be considered for Emergency Notifications include, but are not limited to the following:
- Severe weather event
- Environmental emergency (e.g. chemical spill, fire, earthquake)
- Health pandemic (e.g. measles outbreak, swine flu outbreak)
Once University Police has received such a report, the Chief of Police will confer with the appropriate public official (e.g. fire chief, health department) and any campus officials responsible for managing the on-campus emergency to confirm the following:
1) A legitimate emergency or dangerous situation exists in on-campus geography
2)The emergency or dangerous situation poses an immediate or imminent threat to members of the campus community
If both factors are met, the Chief of Police will confer with the Clery Director to prepare the content of the notification. Once the notification is prepared, the Chief of Police and/or the Clery Director (or in their absence, the management designee(s)) will, without delay and taking into account the safety of the community, transmit the emergency notification unless doing so would delay the ability to mitigate and/or contain the emergency, including the ability to provide immediate, life saving measures. If an emergency notification is issued, a timely warning shall not be issued for the same incident.
You may obtain more details about CSU Timely Warning and Emergency Notification policy by reviewing EO 1107.
Contact Us
Nicki Viso
Title IX Investigator and Clery Director
(707) 826-5175
David Hickcox
Title IX Coordinator & DHR Prevention Administrator
(707) 826-5177