Find out what our students, faculty, and staff are being recognized for.
Mark Colwell, Chelsea Polevy and Hannah LeWinter
Mark Colwell, Chelsea Polevy and Hannah LeWinter published the last of three papers summarizing the importance of Humboldt Bay to shorebirds along the Pacific America’s Flyway. Their work, funded by Audubon California, shows that the bay hosts a diverse (52 species) and abundant (~850,000 individuals) assemblage of mostly sandpipers and plovers rear-round, justifying its designation as a site of international importance under the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network. See their work at:
Seafha Ramos
Dr. Seafha Ramos, NSF postdoctoral fellow in biology, and collaborators developed a series of 5th grade science lessons that incorporate Traditional Ecological Knowledge and a simulated wildlife survey. All lessons are available for free download at
Sarah Schooler, Matt Johnson, Peter Njoroge, Tim Bean
Graduate student Sarah Scholer published a paper in the journal "Ecology & Evolution" stemming from her Master's thesis with co-authors from HSU, Cal Poly SLO, and the National Museums of Kenya, "Shade trees preserve avian insectivore biodiversity on coffee farms in a warming climate."
Karen Kiemnec-Tyburczy
Biological Sciences
Karen Kiemnec-Tyburczy and co-authors published a paper "A New Perspective on Female-to-Male Communication in Salamander Courtship" in Integrative and Comparative Biology. The paper can be viewed at
Eve Robinson and Nicholas Som
Biological Sciences
Eve Robinson (Department of Biological Sciences) and Nicholas Som (Department of Fisheries Biology; USFWS) co-authored an article in the North American Journal of Fisheries Management, titled "Prevalence of infection in hatchery-origin Chinook Salmon correlates with abundance of Ceratonova shasta spores: implications for management and disease risk”. Their research was motivated by questions the State raised about potential linkages between hatchery fish and disease risk, and results from this work were published earlier this year in time to be used by decision-makers in timing the release of hatchery smolts in the Klamath River.
Oscar Vargas
Biological Sciences
Oscar Vargas, Assistant Professor at the Department of Biological Sciences, published a paper in the journal Evolution:"Patterns of speciation are similar across mountainous and lowland regions for a Neotropical plant radiation (Costaceae: Costus)"
Dr. Laura Levy
Dr. Laura Levy, in collaboration with 11 co-authors, published "Multi-phased deglaciation of south and southeast Greenland controlled by climate and topographic setting" in the journal Quaternary Science Reviews. This comprehensive study tracked the timing of retreat of the Greenland Ice Sheet since the last ice age in an area of Greenland that is especially sensitive to climate change.
Jasper Oshun, Margaret Lang, Yojana Miraya
Dr. Oshun gave an invited talk at the 1ST INTERNATIONAL GEOGRAPHY CONGRESS OF APURIMAC IN SOUTHERN REGION PERU on August 28th. The title of the talk was, "Bonanza en los Andes: Estudio de los recursos de agua y desarrollo en colaboración con la comunidad de Zurite, Anta," and focused on Dr. Oshun and Dr. Lang's water development project in Perú. Successes so far include the construction of 1.5 km of irrigation canals, 4 student presentations at international geology conferences, and over 20 involved undergraduate and graduate students from HSU.
Alison O'Dowd
Environmental Science & Management
ESM professor Alison O'Dowd and former NR graduate student Lara Jansen published a paper in the journal River Research and Applications entitled, "A comparison of benthic algal and macroinvertebrate communities in a dammed and undammed Mediterranean river (Eel River watershed, California, USA)."
Dr. Hunter Harrill
Forestry, Fire & Rangeland Management
Was featured in a two part podcast "Talking Timber" by the Pacific Logging Congress, about his experiences in the forest industry and teaching at Humboldt State University.
Part 1:…
Part 2:…