Find out what our students, faculty, and staff are being recognized for.
Kerry Byrne
Environmental Science & Management
Kerry Byrne was awarded a research grant of $45,982 from the US Dept of Fish and Wildlife to study Applegat's milkvetch.
Kerry Byrne
Environmental Science & Management
Kerry Byrne was awarded funding by the RSCA program for her research project entitled "Experimental Restoration Method for Novel Nitrogen-Enriched Plant Communities at Lanphere Dunes, Arcata, CA."
Bill Trush
Environmental Science & Management
Bill Trush presented a talk entitled "Developing Ecological Flow Criteria for the South Fork Eel River" at the annual meeting of the California Chapter of the Society for Freshwater Science in Davis, CA on Oct 24th.
Emily Cooper
Environmental Science & Management
Emily Cooper (HSU River Institute Research Scientist) presented a talk entitled "Quantifying Ecological Risk in the South Fork Eel River" at the annual meeting of the California Chapter of the Society for Freshwater Science in Davis, CA on Oct 24th.
Angelo DiMario, Jeff Kane, Erik Jules
Forestry, Fire & Rangeland Management
Forestry student, Angelo DiMario (2018) lead authored an article in the journal Northwest Science from research conducted while he was an undergraduate student. This research characterized fuel loading around large sugar pine in the Klamath Mountains and was supported by the Research, Creative Activies, and Scholarship fund. Faculty members Jeff Kane (Forestry) and Erik Jules (Biology) were co-authors on the paper.
Brian Murphy
Environmental Science & Management
Won first place in student research at the North American Cartographic Research Society Annual Conference in Norfolk, VA with his map about the growth of the Hobet coal mine in West Virginia over 40 years, illustrating how the practice of mountaintop removal and valley fills creates unmitigable impacts to nearly all aspects of the geography, from geology and hydrology, to human health and economic development.
Courtney Otto
Biological Sciences
Won the 2017/18 HSU Distinguished Faculty Award of Excellence in Teaching - Lecturer.
Robert Zoellner
Won the HSU Distinguished Faculty Award of Outstanding Professor. Dr. Zoellner will be giving a free lecture on Nov. 8, 2018 at 5:00pm in KBR.
Craig Benson
Environmental Science & Management
Keynote Speaker presented "Saving Soil, Saving Culture" at AUSIECA/NZHIT Conference in Christchurch, NZ
Dylan Neely, Matthew Marshall, Dawn Blake
Presented posters (Dylan & Matthew) and an oral presentation (Blake) of their wildlife research at the 2018 American Indian Science & Engineering Society annual conference in Oklahoma City.