T&L Tip Submissions
Teaching and Learning (T&L) Tip Timeline
Tips are published every other Tuesday during Fall and Spring semesters. Tips should be submitted to the CTL on the Friday prior to publication. Tips are published in the Faculty Development pagelet on the portal, and sent to the listserv, as well as publication to the CTL Tips page on the website.
Topic Ideas
Personal Teaching Story, First Day of Class, Early Assessment/Early Feedback, Importance of Students’ Prior Knowledge, Getting Students to Read, Helping Students Deal with Test Anxiety, Mid-semester Evaluations, Grading Tips, Leveraging Technology for Instruction, Managing the Paper Load, Research Strategies, Reflection, Rubrics, Last Day of Class, 10 Teaching Strategies, Writing Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs), What I Learned at a Conference, etc.
Preparing and Submitting Your Tip
Please use our Tip Template to guide your submission. Text should be single-spaced, 12 point font, ~200-300 words, use GoogleDoc, .doc, .docx, or .rtf format. Add “teaser text” at the beginning of your article to pique reader interest. Consider short paragraphs for better readability online. We recommend using heading levels, visuals, and other to attract readers. Please include citations in APA format and your name(s) as you’d like it to appear as the contributor. Please submit electronically to by the Friday before the Tuesday Tip is posted. All Tips will be published and archived on the CTL website.
Assessment Plan for Tips
The CTL will provide an annual follow-up to all faculty receiving tips to gather feedback on the usefulness, timeliness of tips, as well as what they'd like to see in the future. We also pull Google Analytics from our Tip archive page, and total of subscribees to the tips.