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Trinity Children's Center and Child Development Lab Project

Project Vitals 

  • Planned Construction Duration: Fall 2021-Fall 2023
  • Stage: Construction
  • Humboldt Project Manager: Michael Fisher
  • Project CEQA Consultant: Rincon Consultants
  • Project Architect: PBK Architects
  • Project Contractor: S+B James Construction

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Important News and Information

Project Documents

Current Environmental Review (2021)

Project Description

The updated project would involve the partial demolition, rehabilitation, and modernization of the Trinity Annex to adaptively reuse the complex as a Childcare Center and Child Development Lab. The project would house programs currently provided on the main Humboldt campus. The Childcare Center and Child Development Lab program would be moved from four existing buildings on campus, including the Mary Warren House, Baiocchi House, Toddler Annex, and Swetman Child Development Lab. The buildings would remain in place and become vacant. The proposed building complex would measure approximately 13,600 square feet in size and up to 25 feet in height. Approximately 8,100 square feet would be demolished, with approximately 9,800 square feet of the existing building would remain, and an approximately 3,800 square foot addition would be built on the eastern side of the renovated Annex. The new building footprint and layout would provide the space required to accommodate the new Child Development Lab classroom and associated rooms. The project proposes to demolish all annexes and additions built after the original hospital was constructed in 1944. The project would relocate the existing bus stop, shelter, and bench on 14th Street to B Street, and would provide an accessible path from the Trinity Annex to the public right-of-way and transit on B Street. The project would also provide two Humboldt General Permit parking lots with 47 standard parking spaces, 1 van accessible space, and 1 standard accessible space. The project would be developed in two phases: Phase 1 would entail the demolition and hazardous materials abatement of the east wing of the Trinity Annex, and Phase 2 would entail the renovation and construction of the Trinity Center. Construction would last approximately 13 months.