Concerns and Action Guide for Anyone Interacting with Cal Poly Humboldt
Please navigate through the list below to identify the complaint type or issue that most accurately aligns with what you are experiencing. Each option will feature additional details, links to relevant policies and websites, as well as guidance on how to access the appropriate reporting form, if you choose to take action on addressing your complaint.
The Humboldt Ombuds service is open to all students, faculty, and staff. They offer a safe place to discuss problems or issues within the University and can help identify options for addressing specific concerns and resolving conflicts. Ombudspersons treat all inquiries as confidential (except as required by law or where there appears to be imminent risk of serious harm). Ombudspersons do not take a side in disputes. Overall, Ombudspersons are advocates for fairness and equity.
Ombuds Office
If attempts to resolve conflicts either through the Ombuds or on your own have been unsuccessful, you may submit the "Other Conduct of Concern" form to have the matter elevated to the appropriate administrator for review and further action.
Complaint Process Coordinator
"Mandated Reporters" are identified (per E01083) based on their position at Cal Poly Humboldt. You will be notified by HR if this applies to you. What this means is that, in your professional capacity or within the scope of your employment, if you have knowledge of or observe a person under the age of 18 years whom you know or reasonably suspect has been the victim of child abuse or neglect, you must report the suspected incident, no matter where it occurred. (Penal Code ยงยง 11166(a)).
Information about how to file a report can be found on the Human Resources website.
- 707-826-3626
- Siemens Hall, Room 212
Protected statuses include: Age, Disability (physical and mental), Gender (or sex, including sex stereotyping), Gender Identity (including transgender), Gender Expression, Genetic Information, Marital Status, Medical Condition, Nationality, Race or Ethnicity (including color, caste, or ancestry), Religion (or religious creed), Sexual Orientation, and Veteran or Military Status.
Title IX & DHR Prevention Office
Report form
The California Whistleblower Protection Act authorizes the California State Auditor to receive complaints from state employees and members of the public who wish to report an improper governmental activity.
More information can be found on the Human Resources webpage.
- Human Resources, Siemens Hall 212
- 707-826-3626
I'm reporting an employee:
Human Resources - staff, administrators
Academic Personnel Services - faculty
I'm reporting a student employee:
Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities
Report form
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
I'm reporting another student:
Dean of Students Office
Student Misconduct Form
CARE Student of Concern Form
I'm not sure who the person is OR this person is not a student or employee:
University Police Department
Grievances against Cal Poly Humboldt auxiliary personnel follow separate procedures depending on the auxiliary organization. Auxiliary organizations include Cal Poly Humboldt Foundation, Sponsored Programs Foundation, and Associated Students.
Grievances against Public Safety personnel, also known as police officers, must adhere to state mandated guidelines. These guidelines are made available by the University Police Department in the Lexipol Policy Manual. More information can also be found on the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training website.
All Cal Poly Humboldt employees (with the exception of a few medical and counseling staff) have a "duty to report" when they learn of any allegation of sexualized violence involving a member of our campus community.
Sexualized violence includes, but is not limited to, sexual misconduct, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. More information about the violations can be found on the Title IX & DHR Prevention Office website.
Please use this form to report incidents. NOTE: Submitting this report does not automatically initiate a Title IX Investigation.
Support for survivors of sexual assault; domestic/dating violence; and/or stalking can be obtained through our Campus Advocate Team (CAT) which is staffed by members of the North Coast Rape Crisis Team.
Campus Advocate Team
Phone: 707-445-2881 (24/7, free, fully confidential)
Text: 707-382-5174 (M-F, 8:30am-4:30pm)
Use this form to report unprofessional conduct, abusive conduct, microaggressions, acts of intolerance, and other disruptive behavior by members or departments of the campus community.
This form may also be used if you are uncertain what other reporting tool should be used. It will be reviewed and forwarded to the appropriate division.
Complaint Process Coordinator
Report form
If you believe the actions you are reporting may violate the CSU Nondiscrimination Policy, please contact the Title IX & DHR Prevention Office.
The Humboldt Student Safety Escort Program provides Humboldt students and community members, who do not feel comfortable walking alone, with a uniformed escort to walk them between campus buildings, to their vehicle, residence halls, shuttle/bus stop, or other locations on the Main Campus. To request a safety escort, call 707-826-5555 or just dial 5555 from one of the campus courtesy phones. Blue lights are mounted near the outdoor courtesy phones for ease in locating them.
University Police Department, available and open 24/7, 365 days a year
Emergencies: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 707-826-5555
Complaint Process Coordinator
If you are unsure of which form to select or where to start, please reach out to the Complaint Process Coordinator for assistance:
Pam Kirschner
Siemens Hall 211
Ombuds Office
Humboldt Ombuds is a free service, available to Cal Poly Humboldt students, faculty, and staff. They offer a safe place to discuss problems or issues within the University and can help identify options for addressing specific concerns and resolving conflicts. Ombuds treat all inquiries as confidential (except as required by law or where there appears to be imminent risk of serious harm). They do not take a side in disputes. Overall, Ombuds are advocates for fairness and equity.
Legal Resources
Legal Services of Northern California
Policy Information
Cal Poly Humboldt and the CSU System policies can be searched and read in full at the following policy catalogs:
- Cal Poly Humboldt policies:
- California State University policies: