Concerns and Action Guide for Students
Please navigate through the list below to identify the complaint type or issue that most accurately aligns with what you are experiencing. Each option will feature additional details, links to relevant policies and websites, as well as guidance on how to access the appropriate reporting form, if you choose to take action on addressing your complaint.
Undergraduate Admissions
Graduate Admissions
Supporting basic needs is essential to helping every Cal Poly Humboldt student succeed. Some examples of basic needs situations may include: issues related to food insecurity; being unhousing; stuggling to find medical and mental health providers; lack of transportation; gaps in childcare; or anything beyond your control that is impacting your ability to focus on academics and well-being. Assistance may be avialable through:
Campus Assistance, Response, and Engagement
- Phone: 707-826-3504
- Email:
If you are concerned about your confidential or personal data being breached, experiencing software or campus-affiliated Google Suite issues, or want to learn more about protecting your information/data, visit Information Technology Services (ITS) or contact the Help Desk:
- 707-826-4357
Campus Assistance, Response, and Engagement (CARE) provides assistance to students who are experiencing extenuating circumstances that are impacting their ability to focus on academics. Some examples are: houselessness, food insecurity, death of someone close, serious illness, etc. Limited, short-term resources can be provided by the University to help students get through challenging periods.
Campus Assistance, Response, and Engagement
Self-referral form
Referral form for a student of concern
Use this form to report issues of unprofessional behavior by faculty members. Some examples include:
- Missing classes without giving notice;
- Failure to hold office hours;
- Chronic misgendering;
- Poor communication i.e. does not return emails, texts, calls;
- Ignores safety standards;
- Disrespectful or rude behavior;
- Cannot control class;
Click here to submit report: Other Conduct of Concern form
Contact: Pamela Kirschner
Complaint Process Coordinator
Use this form to report unprofessional conduct, abusive conduct, microaggressions, acts of intolerance, and other disruptive behavior by members or departments of the campus community.
This form may also be used if you are uncertain what other reporting tool should be used. It will be reviewed and forwarded to the appropriate division.
Protected statuses include: Age, Disability (physical and mental), Gender (or sex, including sex stereotyping), Gender Identity (including transgender), Gender Expression, Genetic Information, Marital Status, Medical Condition, Nationality, Race or Ethnicity (including color, caste, or ancestry), Religion (or religious creed), Sexual Orientation, and Veteran or Military Status.
Title IX & DHR Prevention Office
Report form
If you are experiencing a situation, beyond your control, that is temporarily causing excessive absences, late assignments, missed exams, etc., you may contact CARE services for assistance. They can ask your professors to work with you so that you can complete courses. Examples of extenuating circumstances that are beyond your control: medical crisis; family circumstances; traumatic incident; bereavement; etc.
Disagreements regarding faculty members' ability or willingness to fulfill specific course-related requests can often be addressed by reaching out to their department chair.
If further assistance is needed, students should contact the office who issued the request for academic support on their behalf.
504 accommodations:
Supportive measures for pregnant & parenting students, and/or those who experienced sexual violence; or discrimination/harassment based on a protected status:
Supportive measures for students navigating extenuating circumstances outside of what's been listed above:
If you need assistance in requesting academic support, please reach out to CARE or submit this form to be contacted by a CARE staff member.
For everyone to enjoy the freedom of expression there must be reciprocal respect for the rights of all individuals: the exercise of the rights granted by the First Amendment cannot interfere with others’ exercising their own rights. Please refer to the CSU's Systemwide Time, Place, and Manner policy as a guide for planning any demonstration on campus.
For more information about Free Speech at Cal Poly Humboldt go to
If you have been impacted by free speech events at Cal Poly Humboldt. to the degree that is affecting your ability to focus on work, learning, or living on campus, email: for information about your rights and supportive measures available to you.
Students are encouraged to address any concerns regarding their grades with their faculty members directly. Students must contact the instructor no later than 30 calendar days after the start of the beginning of the subsequent semester and attempt to bring resolution to the grade dispute. If needed, students may also seek support from the Department Chair to help facilitate a resolution.
- Academic Department contact information: If you need to find the Department Chair for your professor
- Grade Appeal Policy: Please click on the link to obtain more information about the grade appeal process
Students may request conduct records after the incident has been adjudicated and resolved. After the request is submitted, it must be adjudicated by the appropriate campus office and you will be contacted when the report is available. Please allow 2-3 weeks for processing.
Student Information Request Form
For more information, refer to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities website.
Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities
Siemens Hall, Room 211
Contact the department your licensure, certifcation, credential, and/or accreditation are being issued by:
I'm reporting an employee:
Human Resources - staff, administrators
Academic Personnel Services - faculty
I'm reporting a student employee:
Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities
Report form
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
I'm reporting another student:
Dean of Students Office
Student Misconduct Form
CARE Student of Concern Form
I'm not sure who the person is OR this person is not a student or employee:
University Police Department
Students who are experiencing issues with roommates/suitemates in on-campus housing encouraged to seek guidance from their RA if they are unable to resolve conflicts on their own. The Housing/Res Life Community Respect webpage provides some resources.
If problems persist, you can contact obtain more assistance by emailing these contacts:
Housing & Residence Life
Other contact options
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”), 20 U.S.C. §1681 et seq., is a Federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex—including pregnancy and parental status—in educational programs and activities.
Reasonable modifications regarding academics and on campus employment are available to students who are pregnant or who are experiencing conditions related to pregnancy or post-partum child care:
This includes:
- Pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, or lactation;
- Medical conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, or lactation; or
- Recovery from pregnancy, childbirth, *termination of pregnancy, lactation, or related medical conditions.
Additional examples of medical conditions related to pregnancy: pregnancy-related illness (i.e., excessive morning sickness, fatigue, nausea, prenatal depression, etc.), miscarriage, IVF treatments, lactation related conditions (i.e., mastitis), and treatment for postnatal depression (also called postpartum depression).
*Termination of pregnancy includes miscarriage, abortion, medical abortion, and stillbirth.
Title IX - Pregnant & Parenting Support
- Phone: 707-826-5177
Grievances against Cal Poly Humboldt auxiliary personnel follow separate procedures depending on the auxiliary organization. Auxiliary organizations include Cal Poly Humboldt Foundation, Sponsored Programs Foundation, and Associated Students.
Hazing is defined as any method of initiation or preinitiation into a student organization or student body, whether or not the organization or body is officially recognized by an educational institution, which is likely to cause serious bodily injury to any former, current, or prospective student of any school, community college, college, university or other educational institution in this state (Penal Code 245.6), and in addition, any act likely to cause physical harm, personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm, to any former, current, or prospective student of any school, community college, college, university or other educational institution. The term "hazing" does not include customary athletic events or school sanctioned events. Neither the express or implied consent of a victim of hazing, nor the lack of active participation in a particular hazing incident is a defense. Apathy or acquiescence in the presence of hazing is not a neutral act, and is also a violation of this section.
Report allegations of hazing with this form.
- Student Code of Conduct
- Student Rights & Responsibilities
- 707-826-3504
Grievances against Public Safety personnel, also known as police officers, must adhere to state mandated guidelines. These guidelines are made available by the University Police Department in the Lexipol Policy Manual. More information can also be found on the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training website.
All Cal Poly Humboldt employees (with the exception of a few medical and counseling staff) have a "duty to report" when they learn of any allegation of sexualized violence involving a member of our campus community.
Sexualized violence includes, but is not limited to, sexual misconduct, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. More information about the violations can be found on the Title IX & DHR Prevention Office website.
Please use this form to report incidents. NOTE: Submitting this report does not automatically initiate a Title IX Investigation.
Support for survivors of sexual assault; domestic/dating violence; and/or stalking can be obtained through our Campus Advocate Team (CAT) which is staffed by members of the North Coast Rape Crisis Team.
Campus Advocate Team
Phone: 707-445-2881 (24/7, free, fully confidential)
Text: 707-382-5174 (M-F, 8:30am-4:30pm)
The purpose of the Student Grievance Procedure is to provide a means by which a student may pursue a complaint against a member of the faculty, staff, or administration at Cal Poly Humboldt for an alleged violation of campus policy.
The Student Grievance Procedure applies to such matters (not an exhaustive list) as appeal of an advising decision; appeal of a decision by an administrator or faculty advisor regarding permitting individual or group activities; complaint of unfair application of standards applied to work required for award of a degree.
With the induction of the Other Conduct of Concern (OCC) process, it is hoped that most or all of these disputes can be handled informally through normal academic or administrative channels where the student discusses a concern directly with the University Ombudsperson, a representative from the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, or a representative from the Office of the Dean for Undergraduate Studies.
The above named persons can provide advice on possible means for resolving the problem without the need for pursuing the steps indicated in this procedure. For those few instances when informal resolution is not possible, the student may utilize the Student Grievance Procedure, which permits timely review and an impartial evaluation of the student's complaint.
There is no form to start this process. The current procedure states that a student must initiate the grievance process no later than twenty (20) instructional days after the last day of the term in which the alleged incident occurred by submitting a written statement of the grievance and requesting a meeting with the appropriate administrator. This could be the Dean of a College, a department Coordinator or Director, an Associate Vice President (AVP), etc. If a student needs assistance in identifying an appropriate administrator to contact, the student should seek assistance from the Student Grievance Coordinator, Loren Collins, at
The Humboldt Student Safety Escort Program provides Humboldt students and community members, who do not feel comfortable walking alone, with a uniformed escort to walk them between campus buildings, to their vehicle, residence halls, shuttle/bus stop, or other locations on the Main Campus. To request a safety escort, call 707-826-5555 or just dial 5555 from one of the campus courtesy phones. Blue lights are mounted near the outdoor courtesy phones for ease in locating them.
University Police Department, available and open 24/7, 365 days a year
Emergencies: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 707-826-5555
Complaint Process Coordinator
If you are unsure of which form to select or where to start, please reach out to the Complaint Process Coordinator for assistance:
Pam Kirschner
Siemens Hall 211
Ombuds Office
Humboldt Ombuds is a free service, available to Cal Poly Humboldt students, faculty, and staff. They offer a safe place to discuss problems or issues within the University and can help identify options for addressing specific concerns and resolving conflicts. Ombuds treat all inquiries as confidential (except as required by law or where there appears to be imminent risk of serious harm). They do not take a side in disputes. Overall, Ombuds are advocates for fairness and equity.
Legal Resources
Legal Services of Northern California
Policy Information
Cal Poly Humboldt and the CSU System policies can be searched and read in full at the following policy catalogs:
- Cal Poly Humboldt policies:
- California State University policies: