Accommodations Offered
Humboldt CDRC offers case-by-case specific accommodations and support services to students with disabilities. The campus director, in consultation with the Accessibility Advisor and student and when appropriate faculty and staff, engage in the interactive process to ensure equitable access to programs and activities, whether they are curricular or co-curricular. The intent is to provide an equivalent academic experience and learning opportunity, not to guarantee the outcome of the student's educational endeavor.
Students in need of auxiliary aids and services and reasonable modifications or accommodations should make their requests to the Campus Disability Resource Center as early as possible in order to facilitate scheduling or the acquisition of personnel, equipment, and/or other materials.
Accommodations and support services may differ throughout the CSU system while still adhering to federal and state guidance. CSU Policy affirms that the individual campuses within the CSU systems are not responsible for accommodations and support services of a personal nature. For example, reading glasses, hearing aids, personal assistants, individually prescribed devices, readers for personal use, or other devices or services of a personal nature that are not required under applicable law.
Accommodations are approved each term on a course-by-course basis. The following list provides information on many possible accommodations or support services.