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Eileen Cashman

Eileen Cashman mountain biking
Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Project Profiles

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Tentative Title/Topic"Equity of Voice, Mastery, and Equity Opportunities"
QuestionDoes explicit tracking of student questions during class problem solving sessions and facilitating homework mastery reduce equity opportunities in the classroom?
MethodsEquity Gap Analysis (course grades (final course, final exam, specific exam questions, quizzes, homework) data from OIE)
Sample Size~120
Short DescriptionThis project focuses on two pedagogical strategies aimed at reducing the opportunity gaps in an upper division engineering course. The first strategy is the explicit tracking of student questions during class problem sessions that limits the number of questions a student can ask until all students have had the opportunity to ask a question. The second strategy is to allow students to resubmit homework assignments and earn full-credit on the assignment. If the initial submission is complete but incorrect, students can self-correct homework and reflect on errors or misconceptions for full credit. The two strategies are linked by the flipped classroom environment where students are working on weekly assignments in the classroom setting.
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