Reducing Waste during Campus Resident Move-Out with Donation Dash
More and more campus residents are reducing their move-out waste through Donation Dash, a program that makes it easier to donate, compost and recycle items that residents might not want to take with them when they move out in May.
Check out this video to learn how to participate:
It's Easy to Reduce your Waste when Moving Out!
In your room, separate your move-out stuff into the following categories: Donations, Recycling, Compost, Landfill Waste.
You can donate unwanted clothing, bedding, housewares, school supplies, dishware, unopened packaged food, etc. - Pretty much anything that is clean, not broken, and that can be re-used can be donated!
Not sure what can be recycled or composted? Check out these helpful Recycling and Compost guides.
Once separated, deposit the items in the correct bin located near your residential building. Starting Wednesday of Finals Week, residents at Creekview, Redwood, Sunset and College Creek will be able to take all donations, recycling, compost and landfill items to a Donation Station, while residents in other buildings will continue to use the bins at their buildings.

Donation Dash Has a Big Impact!
Donation Dash is good for you, for the planet, and for the community! Feel good knowing that all items you donate are helping others in your community. Many donations go to local charities, while others go to stocking the campus food pantry. Some donations even go to next year’s campus residents!

And Donation Dash is Fun!
Members of the Creative Sanctuary making music with found items at the Hill Donation Station, 2023
So Get Involved!
Volunteer to be a Donation Station Attendant by emailing