Zero Waste Conference 2024 is December 4-6!

Wednesday, December 4th
- Zero Waste Action Plan Public Forum. 12:00 - 1:00pm, SAC rm131 (Banquet Room). Come learn about Cal Poly Humboldt's new Zero Waste Action Plan and share your ideas for eliminating waste on campus! See this flier for details.
- Compost Workshop. 1:00 - 2:30pm, Campus Center for Appropriate Technology (CCAT). Join us for a hands-on introduction to composting and learn about the right blend of materials, tools and bins for the job.
- Bookbinding Workshop. 2:00 - 4:00pm, Library 2nd floor Fishbowl. Learn how to bind notebooks and journals using reusable materials and keep what you make!
Thursday, December 5th
- Bee Hotel/Nest Box Making Workshop. 6:00 - 7:30pm, CCAT. Make bee hotels and nest boxes for native pollinators using reclaimed wood and other materials, and take home what you make! Cocoa and tea provided. See this flier for details.
- Tinker Time! 5:30 - 8:00pm, Library 2nd floor Fishbowl. Come craft with us using recycled/repurposed materials - printmaking, card station, 'plarn' knitting, bike parts, free laptop/computer giveaway and more!
Friday, December 6th
- Shitthropocene and Map Giveaway. 10:00 - 11:30am, Library 2nd floor. Come watch this film from patagonia films on the Library's new digital wall and get maps to reuse for wrapping paper and art projects!
- Field Trip to Recology Recycling Facility. 12:30 - 2:30pm (field trip bus departs at 12:30pm, tour starts at 1:00pm). Tour the recycling facility and see firsthand what happens to the items you put in your recycling bin. Space is limited, sign up here by 12/2 to reserve your spot!
- Volunteer Friday. 10:00 - 12:00pm & 1:00 - 4:00pm, Campus Center for Appropriate Technology. Get your hands dirty gardening and working on community projects!
- Oh SNAP! Pop-up Thrift Store. 2:30 - 4:30pm in Rec and Wellness Center rm 125. All 'new-to-you' clothing and household goods are free!
- Zero Waste Banquet. 5:15 - 8:15pm, Library 2nd floor Fishbowl. Dinner includes presentation by keynote speakers Jennifer Savage and Carly Tambling, along with a Trashin' Fashion Show hosted by Green Campus.
Zero Waste Events
If you would like us to help you make your event Zero Waste, use the 25Live Event Request form and check the box to make your event Zero Waste Certified, or send us an email at for more information.