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The CSU has a new policy on freedom of expression. Learn more.


Got Data?

Below are links to university data. If you don't find what you need, please contact us or fill out a data request form.


Fast Facts

Cal Poly Humboldt's statistical profile for Fall terms. Student data are updated after Census of the current Fall term (usually by the end of October), Faculty data are usually updated by the end of November (pending completion of required business processes).

Tableau Cloud:

Tableau Cloud is a business intelligence reporting tool that enables Cal Poly Humboldt employees to access and work with strategic data. Licenses are assigned to specific roles such as deans, department chairs, and academic coordinators. If you have a license, proceed to:
To request a license, please put in an ITS help ticket.

Enrollment and FTES History (1913-2018)

Historical records of student headcount and full-time equivalent students (FTES) from 1913 to 2018. Locally stored digital records began in 1991.

On-Demand Data (ODD)

A reporting tool that will generate data files containing information about specific populations of students. For a variety of privacy and security reasons, IRAR does not post disaggregated or sensitive data online. To access these data, the secure option is to use an ODD job. Staff and faculty who want more information about submitting an ODD job from Campus Solution should refer to this how-to guide.

Common Data Set (CDS)

The CDS is a collaborative effort between four major college guide publishers and the higher education community to develop a standard set of questions and data definitions for use in surveys.

Data Glossary

This is a collection of pages to help you understand the reports presented on this site.

The Student Achievement Measure (SAM) 

The Student Achievement Measure (SAM) is an improved way to report undergraduate student progress and completion by including a greater proportion of students as well as tracking students who enroll in multiple higher education institutions. Usual measures of student progress and completion, including government-led efforts, usually underreport student achievement because they do not account for an increasingly mobile student population.

CSU Partner with Us: Actionable Data

The CSU is committed to utilizing evidence-based decision-making in support of our student's success. The tools located on the CSU Website are meant to engage our partners, foster cultures of inquiry, and help all stakeholders in this enterprise identify and pursue those changes with the greatest potential to benefit our students. 

California Competes Postsecondary to Prosperity Dashboard

The California Postsecondary to Prosperity Dashboard braids together multiple data sources to provide a single portal with high-quality information on the state of opportunity in higher education, employment, and quality of life across California’s diverse regions. This Dashboard highlights the state’s successes and also broken opportunities in the pathways from education to prosperity. Explore the Dashboard to learn how the lives of Californians differ dramatically based on their race, ethnicity, gender, income, place of residence, and more.


OBI (Oracle Business Intelligence) is an analytical reporting tool that enables Cal Poly Humboldt employees to access and work with the data in PeopleSoft via what’s known as a data warehouse. Data warehouses are systems designed to store data from a wide range of sources and make this information available in an easy-to-use format to support decisionmaking. Access to reporting within OBI is granted via Account Settings. Please speak to your supervisor before requesting access to reporting in OBI.

Note: OBI is only available while on the campus or while using a service such as VOffice.

Information currently stored in the Humboldt data warehouse includes:

  • Finance: Daily financial transactions in detail and summary formats. Information includes budgeted amounts, encumbered amounts, and actual income/expenditures.
  • Human Resources: Employee position-related and payroll-related activity.
  • Student : Information on admissions and recruiting, student records, financial aid, and student financial services.
  • DARS: The automated system that helps students and advisors track progress towards degree completion.