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Office Outcomes and Plans

The office supports faculty by facilitating efficient, meaningful assessment of academic program-level student learning outcomes.Create personnel capacity to support academic departments.Hire Interim Academic Assessment Coordinator.Hired FY 2017-18; plan to rehire FY 2018-19. Plan to hire permanent coordinator FY 2019-20.
Assist AMP/ICC in designing annual and 5-year program review reports.Create infographic and FAQ for departments.Distributed a physical copy of the flyer to program directors and ASCs Sept. 2017.
Increase office visibility and support of academic programs.Attend appropriate department meetings; meet individually with faculty.Interim Academic Assessment Coordinator has engaged in the following activities relevant to this task:
--Is an active member of the CTL Partners workgroup; attended four meetings, fall 2017.
--Gave assessment presentations to provost and deans and to graduate council.
--Sits on GEAR committee; meets weekly with faculty designing assessment activities for Humboldt's general education program.
--Collaborated with an OIE research associate and the interim director of the Center for Teaching and Learning in holding four Program Review Made Easy workshops, fall 2017.
--Met individually to discuss assessment with various faculty members from programs including sociology, geology, biology, mathematics, film, and dance.
--Assisted OIE research associate in several white-glove presentations of student-success data workbooks for deans and numerous faculty from programs including history, religious studies, psychology, and engineering.
The office is appropriately integrated with operations institution-wide, supplying quality data to support informed decisions.Develop or enhance working relationships with key operational offices to support data accuracy and utility.Collaborate with Registrar's Office on ERSS and other mandated data-file submissions.Ongoing audits completed and refined.
Collaborate with undergraduate admissions on application data.New application dashboards created for counselors and Interim Director
Support undergraduate admissions on Hobson's Radius implementation (data analytics).Ongoing testing of analytics. Due date August 2018.
Develop or enhance data-audit reports to support quality control.See IE for the list of new audits or additions to existing (student data).
Assess MAPWorks early alert tool.A broad-based committee formed; report completed. Recommendation MAPWorks expanded to all first-time undergraduate and transfers- for the first two years enrolled.
Champion integrating assessment into planning and strategic budgeting.Chair integrated assessment, planning, and budgeting conceptualization workgroup.Completed model.
Co-Chair integrated assessment, planning, and budgeting implementation workgroup.Began work in FY 2017-18. 
The office uses state-of-the-art visualization tools to dynamically explicate the meaning and significance of data.Develop and distribute focused and integrated Strategic Data Workbooks (SDW) to key decision makers.Develop and enhance Annual Program Review (APR) Strategic Data Workbook (SDW).Created multiple enhanced version of the Program Review workbook. Deployed to all academic departments and is fully integrated into Program Review.
Develop and test Resource Review Workbook (RRW).In process estimated completion May 2018
Develop and test Reverse Graduation Progression System (Reverse GPS).Beta version created in both Excel and PowerBI. Currently testing with select departments to assess value.
Develop innovative visualizations that better communicate student migration patterns. Develop data model in SDR that facilitates student flow analyses.Creation of new data model within SDR which covers all student major changes that can be disaggregated to program level over multiple years. 
Develop student flow model using SANKEY approach.SANKEYS developed for all departments across multiple years both for first-time freshmen and transfers.
The office routinely disseminates action research that is used to support decisions that increase student success.Develop and implement survey research regimen.NCHASuccessfully deployed in 2016 and 2018. Data disseminated spring 2017 in conjunction with Student Health and Wellbeing Services.
NSSESuccessfully deployed spring 2017. Three presentations were conducted campus-wide in collaboration with the Center for Teaching and Learning to offer closed captions and to connect to programming.
FSSESuccessfully deployed spring 2017. Three presentations were conducted campus-wide in collaboration with the Center for Teaching and Learning to offer closed captions and to connect to programming. (session #2)
Regularly offer campus-wide presentations on findings from survey research.Develop and schedule at least three campus-wide presentations disseminating data from survey research on various issues relevant to student success.Three campus-wide action-research presentations by Lisa Castellino:
--Asking Better Questions
--The Road to the Baccalaureate as Traveled by Upper-Division Transfer Students
--Examining Academic and Social Integration: A Case Study of the Class of 2013
The office effectively informs and contributes to university strategy for enrollment management.Develop a consistent understanding of campus history.Complete Environmental Scan.Completed. See here: (
Develop enrollment modeling tools.Deploy long-range enrollment-projection model based on CSU targets.Completed. See IE for example.
Support recruitment, retention councils, and the Student Success Alliance.Create and manage agendas, minutes, and change management facilitations.Begun spring 2018.
The Office provides support and expertise to campus leaders as they navigate change.Develop and deploy professional development training sessions, customized by the audience, related to outcomes assessment and strategic planning.Schedule and conduct strategic planning professional development/training2015-16 Three-part series for Administrative Affairs;
2016-17 Training series for EMSA (not SA);
Completed APSHR;
Spring 2018 Planned training series for Academic Affairs: Non-instructional units
Facilitate cabinet's monitoring of Strategic Plan implementation.Develop Strategic Plan blueprint to monitor progress.Completed AY(?) see blueprint here. 
Develop a website to display progress.Completed.
Develop paper and electronic kanbans to monitor progress.Completed. 
The office uses data routinely to support strategic analytics.Routinely test and enhance the data models in the Strategic Data Repository to increase processing efficiency.Develop and deploy routine model testing.Completed.
Where possible, utilize additional data modeling sources (such as EDM).Develop a strategy to use EDM team's data model for university budget office and human resources.Completed. Budget and HR data now included in SDR master model.
The office demonstrates a commitment to high-quality traditional IR functions.Respond to ad hoc data requests within five business days.Deploy and monitor kbox ticket requests.# of requests; # completed
Track and monitor requests and follow-up.# late completed
Completed APDB Report in a timely manner.Completed.
The office has a clear and consistent brand and message as to its role, purpose, and functions within Humboldt.Develop a new website.Develop design, template, and formatting.Completed.
Develop an outcomes-assessment plan for IE.Develop outcomes, objectives, and tasks.Completed.
Develop marketing materials including logos, color scheme, and consistent messages. Completed. 
The office team members are role models in campus service.Members participate in campus committees either as members or chairs/co-chairs. See points of pride vita.
The office team members are leaders in CSU and regional IR/IE circles.Members participate in campus committees either as members or chairs/co-chairs. See points of pride vita.
Members participate in CSU-level IR/IE meetings. See points of pride vita.
Members regularly present at CAIR meetings. See points of pride vita.
The office team members are leaders in national IR/IE circles.Members participate in national committees either as members or chairs/co-chairs. See points of pride vita.
Members participate in national IR/IE meetings. See points of pride vita.
Members regularly present at AIR meetings. See points of pride vita.