Utilities: Energy, Water, & Buildings
Energy, Water, & Buildings
Managing the energy and water used by campus facilities is a key component of meeting the University's strategic goals as well as being a responsible steward of resources. Accomplishing this task involves physical components of campus (heating & ventilation systems) and the campus community working in concert to minimize the energy and water used, given the requirements of a productive learning and work environment. The campus Energy Planner works collaboratively with campus stakeholders to develop ways to reduce energy use while mtaintaining building components while reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions. Energy use data for all utility sources is monitored and tracked to support CSU-wide and campus specific needs.
Green Building: The Behavioral and Social Sciences (BSS) building, constructed in 2007, is the first LEED 'Gold' building in the CSU system. LEED, or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is a rating system devised by the US Green Building Council. Green buidling features include a rainwater catchment system to flush toilets, the use of recycled or sustainably harvested building materials, native plant landscaping, and smart heating and lighting controls.

Water: In response to the water restrictions imposed during the California's recent drought, Humboldt implemented a number of water conservation measures to reduce its annual consumption by over 10%. These measures included the installation of low flow fixtures on showers and sinks, an improved system for identifying and quickly repairing leaks, and curbing irrigation of turf.