Frequently Asked Questions on the A.S. Budget
What is the revenue for the A.S. Budget?
Each year, students enrolled full-time at Humboldt pay $117 towards the Student Body Association, known as Associated Students. These fee monies become the major sum of the Associated Students annual budget. As the student government, the Associated Student Board of Directors allocates the fee revenue to support programs and services that would not occur without the collective power of Associated Students support.
The Associated Students budget is generated from the Category II "Student Body Association" Fee. This means, that the annual budget is dependent on the number of fully enrolled students. In the last few years, as Humboldt has experienced a downturn in enrollment since its peak in the 2015-16 academic year, the annual budget has also used money from the Associated Students Reserve to subsidize the budget.
For the upcoming school years, the campus Enrollment Management division provided the following projections for the potential Student Body Association Fee revenue. Note: the Associated Students 2019-20 Board was advised to follow the highlighted "Mid-COVID Planning" which projects a 20% decrease in student fee revenues.
Student Body Association Fee | 2019-20 Budget | 2020-21 Projection | 2021-22 Projection | 2022-23 Projection | 2023-2024 Projection | 2024-2025 Projection |
Pre-COVID Planning (-14%) | $752,000.00 | $668,000.00 | $595,000.00 | $550,000.00 | $519,000.00 | $507,000.00 |
Mid-COVID Planning (-20%) | $752,000.00 | $622,000.00 | $555,000.00 | $504,000.00 | $468,000.00 | $453,000.00 |
Mid-COVID Planning (-25%) | $752,000.00 | $585,000.00 | $503,000.00 | $453,000.00 | $424,000.00 | $413,000.00 |
Mid-COVID Planning (-30%) | $752,000.00 | $545,000.00 | $454,000.00 | $398,000.00 | $366,000.00 | $354,000.00 |
Mid-COVID Planning (Growth) | $752,000.00 | $621,000.00 | $566,000.00 | $558,000.00 | $578,000.00 | $620,000.00 |
What's the process to develop and recommend the Budget?
The annual allocation process occurs each spring and establishes the general Associated Students (A.S.) budget for the next fiscal year which begins each July and ends the following June. Prospective organizations, budget areas or departments can submit applications.
First the applications are reviewed by the Finance Committee, a small advisory Board of students, who will ask questions of applicants to ultimately form their Recommended Budget.
Then, the Recommended Budget is presented to the full Board of Directors, composed of fifteen voting student members, three non-voting students and two non-voting staff advisors. The Board of Directors will hear appeals to the Recommended Budget from applicants. A Final Recommended Budget will be generated and sent to the Office of the President for final approval.
What's the Purpose of the Associated Students Budget?
The purpose of the annual budget is to support Cal Poly Humboldt students in their endeavors to increase the quality of campus life and learning. Funding from the Associated Students budget is a one-time grant provided to clubs, student organizations or departments.
"Who" is Eligible for funding?
Official Humboldt-recognized student clubs and organizations, A.S. programs and campus departments.
What can Student Body Association Fees be used for?
Authority cited: Sections 66600, 89030, and 89900, Education Code. Reference: Sections 89300 and 89302, Education Code."(ยง 42659. Approved Uses of Student Body Organization Funds.
"Student body organization funds obtained from mandatory fees may be expended for the following programs:
- Programs of cultural and educational enrichment and community service.
- Recreational and social activities.
- Support of student unions.
- Scholarships, stipends, and grants-in-aid for only currently admitted students in accordance with provisions of Section 42500, subdivision (d).
- Tutorial programs.
- Athletic programs, both intramural and intercollegiate.
- Student publications.
- Assistance to recognized student organizations.
- Student travel insurance.
- Administration of student fee program.
- Student government-scholarship stipends, grants-in-aid, and reimbursements to student officers for service to student government. Before such scholarship stipends, grants-in-aid, and reimbursements are established by a student body association, the principle of establishing such payments shall be approved by a student referendum.
- Student employment to provide payment for services in connection with the general administration of student fee.
- Augmentation of counseling services, including draft information, to be performed by the campus. Such counseling may also include counseling on legal matters to the extent of helping the student to determine whether he should retain legal counsel, and of referring him to legal counsel through a bar association, legal aid foundation or similar body.
- Transportation services.
- Child day care centers for children of students and employees of the campus.
Finance Presentations