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Role Descriptions (2025 -2026 Board of Directors)


  • Formulates the Association's Rules, Regulations and Policies.
  • Considers and adopts legislation and passes resolutions to support students
  • Maintains written records like reports, agendas, and minutes
  • Helps appoint students to committees
  • May place legislative initiatives on the ballot by majority vote
  • Considers and approves the annual A.S. budget
  • Creates and empower committees and ad-hoc committees to accomplish goals set by the Board of Directors
  • Conducts open and public meetings
  • Provide equal representation to students of all colleges of the university
  • Establishes the amount of the A.S. fees with the approval of its membership through elections
  • Communicates to students and the campus community
  • Promotes the use and development of programs funded by the Association
  • Monitors and evaluates budgets and services offered by organizations funded by the A.S.
Responsibilities to Students
  • Provide equal representation to students of all colleges of the university
  • Establishes the amount of the A.S. fees with the approval of its membership through elections
  • Communicates to students and the campus community
Campus/Community Involvement
  • Consider the opinions and needs of our immediate constituency, the Students, prior to our taking any action on their behalf
  • Be vocal on issues that protect and increase student rights; create opportunities to increase the student perspective in the University decision making process; actively seek institutional changes that serve to enhance the student environment; and uphold and protect the integrity of the student body association
  • Allocate Associated Student Body fees in accordance with the A.S. Mission Statement
  • Promotes the use and development of programs funded by the Association
  • Monitors and evaluates budgets and services offered by organizations funded by the A.S.
  • Serves on and appoints students to committees, boards, and working groups
Time Commitment

Board members work between 10 and 20 hours depending on position. As a base, all members are scheduled for:

  • A minimum of two (2) office hours per week
  • Four (4) hours of Board of Directors meetings per month
  • Various mandatory trainings throughout the year
  • Committee meetings (vary by position and by appointment)




The President is the chief executive officer of the Association elected by the Association membership.

Approximate Time Commitment: Up to 20 hours per week

Stipend: $8,794 (100% of tuition + fees) 

  1. Serves as the official representative of the Association.
  2. May propose legislation to the A.S. Board.
  3. Recommended over 45 appointments of student representatives to committees and boards for the Association with the consent of the A.S. Board by a 2/3 vote.
  4. Recommends the A.S. External Affairs Representative and Public Relations Officer, and any vacant voting positions to the A.S. Board of Directors
  5. Serves as a voting member of the A.S. Board and votes on actions or decisions taken by the A.S. Board.
  6. Serves Cal Poly Humboldt at the California State Student Association (CSSA) in the absence of the A.S. External Affairs representative
  7. Serves as Chair to the A.S. Executive Committee, the IRA (Instructionally Related Activities) Committee, the Student Fee Advisory Committee
  8. Serves as a voting member of the University Center Board of Directors, University Resources & Planning Committee (URPC), University Senate, University Senate Executive Committee, A.S. Finance Committee, Faculty Affairs Committee, and  Honorary Degree Nominating Committee
  9. Sits as an advisory member on the University President’s Cabinet
    1. The positions on University Senate Executive Committee, Faculty Affairs Committee, IRA Committee, Student Fee Advisory Committee, University Resources & Planning Committee, and President’s Cabinet can be designated to another student representative

Term: From the ratification of election results at the A.S. transitional meeting in May/time of appointment through the next A.S. transitional meeting in May.


Administration and Finance Vice President 

The Administrative Vice President is the chief financial assistant to the President and Chief Financial Advisor to the Board.

Approximate Time Commitment: Between 10-15 hours per week

Stipend: $7,475 (85% of tuition + fees) 

  1. Serves as Chair of the Finance Committee
  2. Assumes the duties of the President during the President’s absence.
  3. Serves as a voting member of the A.S. Board and votes on actions or decisions taken by the A.S. Board.
  4. Serves as a voting member on the Executive Committee, and the Instructionally Related Activities Committee [IRA]
  5. Recommends appointments of approximately 20 students to committees for the Association with the consent of the A.S. Board by a 2/3 vote.
  6. In agreement with the A.S. Executive Director, approves requests from funded areas to spend less than $200 from their trust account
  7. In agreement with the A.S. Executive Director, and appropriate Budget Administrator, approves all expenditures of A.S. funds

Term: From the ratification of election results at the A.S. transitional meeting in May/time of appointment through the next A.S. transitional meeting in May.

Executive Vice President

The Legislative Vice President shall be the chief legislative assistant to the President and the Chair of the Board of Directors.

Approximate Time Commitment: Between 10-15 hours per week

Stipend: $7,475 (85% of tuition + fees) 

  1. Serves as Chair of the A.S. Board and may vote on actions or decisions taken by the A.S. Board when such a vote will affect the outcome.
    1. Facilitates the preparation of the A.S. Board Agenda
  2. Responsible for receiving information for A.S. committee appointments.
  3. Ensures the maintenance of and adherence to the Associated Students Code.
  4. Serves as Chair of the A.S. Bylaws Committee.
  5. Serves as a voting member on the A.S. Executive Committee, Academic Policies Committee, Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drug Abuse Prevention Committee, Integrated Curriculum Committee, and Student Health Center Advisory Committee
  6. Recommends appointments of approximately 20 students to committees for the Association with the consent of the A.S. Board by a 2/3 vote.

Term: From the ratification of election results at the A.S. transitional meeting in May/time of appointment through the next A.S. transitional meeting in May.

Officer of Student Affairs 

The Student Affairs Vice President shall be the chief advisor on student affairs to the President.

Approximate Time Commitment: Between 10-15 hours per week

Stipend: $4,837 (55% of tuition + fees) 

  1. Chairs the A.S. Student Affairs Advisory Committee.
  2. Serves as a voting member of the A.S. Board and votes on actions or decisions taken by the A.S. Board.
  3. Serves as a voting member on the A.S. Executive Committee, A.S. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee, Graduate Pledge Alliance, President’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Council, and University Center Board of Directors.
  4. Recommends appointments of approximately 15 students to committees for the Association with the consent of the A.S. Board by a 2/3 vote.

Term: From the ratification of election results at the A.S. transitional meeting in May/time of appointment through the next A.S. transitional meeting in May.

Officer of Social Justice, Equity, and Inclusion

The Social Justice & Equity Officer shall be the chief advisor on diversity and equity.

Approximate Time Commitment: Between 10-15 hours per week

Stipend: $4,837 (55% of tuition + fees) 

  1. Chairs the A.S. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee.
  2. Serves as a voting member of the A.S. Board and votes on actions or decisions taken by the A.S. Board.
  3. Serves as a voting member on the A.S. Executive Committee, Graduate Pledge Alliance, President’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Council, Diversity Grants Committee, Disability, Access & Compliance Committee
  4. Serves as a non-voting advisor to the A.S. Bylaws Committee
  5. Will serve on any future committee directly pertaining to diversity and/or inclusion.
  6. Connects with the University Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and other clubs, organizations, and departments associated with diversity, equity, and inclusion

Term: From the ratification of election results at the A.S. transitional meeting in May/time of appointment through the next A.S. transitional meeting in May.

Officer of Environmental Sustainability 

The Environmental Sustainability Officer shall be the chief advisor on sustainability to the President and the A.S. Board of Directors.

Approximate Time Commitment: Between 10-15 hours per week

Stipend: $4,837 (55% of tuition + fees) 

  1. Chairs the Earth Week Every Week Committee.
    1. Coordinates Earth Week
  2. Serves as a voting member of the A.S. Board and votes on actions or decisions taken by the A.S. Board.
  3. Serves as a voting member on the A.S. Executive Committee, A.S. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee, Humboldt Energy Independence Fund Committee, Graduate Pledge Alliance
  4. Serves as a non-voting advisor to the A.S. Bylaws Committee, and Humboldt Advisory Council on Sustainability
  5. Serves on any committee rooted in environmental sustainability.
  6. Connects with the University Office of Sustainability and other clubs, organizations, and departments associated with environmental sustainability.

Term: From the ratification of election results at the A.S. transitional meeting in May/time of appointment through the next A.S. transitional meeting in May.

Officer of Academic Affairs 

The Officer of Academic Affairs will promote a sense of community and belonging, while also advocating on behalf of the students of Cal Poly Humboldt in all manners pertaining to the academic life of the students of the university.

Approximate Time Commitment: Between 10-15 hours per week

Stipend: $4,837 (55% of tuition + fees) 

  1. Serves as a liaison to the Office of the Provost and the leadership of the Academic Senate
  2. Represents the best interests of the students of Cal Poly Humboldt in all matters pertaining to academics.
  3. Serves as a voting member of the A.S. Board of Directors. 
  4. Attend and actively participate in the Grade Appeal Committee, Integrated Curriculum Committee (and relevant subcommittees), Academic Policy Committee, Honorary Degree Committee, and the A.S. Subcommittee on Finance.


Term: From the ratification of election results at the A.S. transitional meeting in May/time of appointment through the next A.S. transitional meeting in May.


Officer of External Affairs

This role is filled by appointment only. 

The External Affairs Representative is a voting member of the A.S. Board of Directors and has voting authority on behalf of the A.S. for all matters coming before the CSSA Board of Directors.

Approximate Time Commitment: Highly variable, between 12-15 hours per week. Travel required

Stipend: $4,837 (55% of tuition + fees) 

  1. Attend CSSA meetings on a monthly basis;
  2. Attend Associated Students Board of Directors meetings, orientations, and retreats.
  3. Chair the Associated Students Lobby Corps.
  4. Provide the A.S. Board of Directors with complete and timely information and reports regarding CSSA Board and Committee meetings, pending state and national legislation affecting higher education and issues involving the CSU system.
  5. Coordinate arrangements for any Board of Directors members and other interested students that also wish to attend CSSA meetings as the budget may provide.
  6. Coordinate arrangements for Board of Directors members (and other interested students) that wish to attend the California Higher Education Student Summit (CHESS) conference.
  7. Develop the CSSA budget request for the following year.

Term: From appointment date through the CSSA transitional meeting in June.