Academic Peer Coaching
Coaching Reopens on Monday, January 27, 2025, for the spring semester.
Academic peer coaches are available to help you develop and implement study strategies that will help you achieve your academic goals at Cal Poly Humboldt.
Peer coaches are available to meet by appointment on the following topics:
- Goal setting, time management, and planning
- Creating learning teams for your courses
- Online learning check up
- Creating an effective study environment
- Effective study techniques, such as note taking, spaced learning and repetition, self-testing, etc
- Class engagement: speaking in class, communicating with faculty through email, and preparing for faculty office hours
- Navigating Zoom, Canvas, and other platforms

Is Academic Coaching is for You?
Yes! When you meet with our Peer Coaches, they ask you about your strengths, areas you would like to work on and help you make a plan to accomplish your goals. Take the Student Self-Assessment to help you narrow down the topics you would like to focus on during your appointment with a Peer Coach.
Student Conduct
Students, including student staff, are expected to act respectfully and comply with the Student Conduct and Community Values. If you encounter an issue or problem in the Learning Center, contact Su Karl, Director, at
Hours & Contact
By Appointment Monday-Friday
Have questions about the program? Contact Su Karl at
Book a Coaching Appointment
Coaching appointments are on a first-come, first-served basis.
Call for an Appointment
Book online through TutorTrac
Log in using your Humboldt username and password and select Academic Coaching.
Note: If you experience accessibility-related barriers with using TutorTrac's appointment scheduling feature, please come in person, call, or email the Learning Center to make an appointment.