Academic Notice, Disqualification, and Reinstatement Information
If your Humboldt or cumulative GPA (grade point average) has slipped below 2.0, it means that you are on academic notice. This does not reflect on your ability or potential. You are still a Humboldt student, and there is a support system in place to help you return to good academic standing.
Being a college student comes with challenges, academic and otherwise. It is not unusual for students to face difficulties navigating those challenges, and many students have been in this position. Those who have learned from experience, making use of guidance and support, have gone on to be successful at Humboldt and beyond.
An important first step is that you meet with your academic advisor. They are a valuable link to campus resources and can help you develop a plan to be successful.
Steps to Academic Recovery
What do I need to do if I am on Academic Notice?
If you have an advisor from the Academic and Career Advising Center (ACAC) you will be required to meet with them to discuss resources and strategies to return to good standing. If you do not have an ACAC advisor, we recommend that you make an appointment with your assigned advisor (listed in your Student Center) to review your class schedule and discuss strategies to ensure a successful semester.

Academic Notice FAQ
Undergraduate students are placed on Academic Notice if their Humboldt or cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0. Academic Notice is a warning that you are in danger of being disqualified from the university.
It’s important that you meet with an advisor to learn strategies to help you quickly improve your GPA and developed an academic plan for the semester. Once you have met with your advisor, they will remove the hold.
It varies from 1-2 semesters, but you should try to improve your GPA as soon as possible. Academic Notice means that you are vulnerable to disqualification and it requires immediate action including possible adjustments to your schedule and meeting with your assigned advisor. If you are on Academic Notice and your Humboldt or cumulative GPA is below the following levels at the end of your first semester on notice, you will be academically disqualified:
- Freshmen (<30 units) below 1.50
- Sophomores (30 to 59.9 units) below 1.70
- Juniors (60 to 89.9 units) below 1.85
- Seniors (≥90 units), below 1.95
Disqualification can happen within one semester after being placed on Academic Notice. You may remain on notice for no more than two sequential semesters. After two semesters on Academic Notice, you must either return to good academic standing or be disqualified. To determine your class standing and which GPA level applies to you, remember to include any units that are currently in progress.
Meet with your advisor to see if repeating a class is a good idea for your situation. Classes in which you earned a grade of C- or below can be repeated at Humboldt for grade forgiveness. Repeat Policy
No, your schedule is exactly as it was before when you registered. We suggest you meet with your academic advisor to see if you need to adjust your schedule.
The Academic Notice hold does not prevent you from withdrawing from the semester. If you wish to withdraw from the semester (and it is not past the withdrawal deadline), read about the Withdrawal Process or contact the Office of the Registrar
Academic disqualification occurs when the GPA of a student who is already on notice falls below the minimum level allowed or when a student has not achieved good standing within two semesters. When disqualified, a student is no longer enrolled at the university; they must take a minimum of one semester off before beginning the petition for reinstatement process. More information can be found at Disqualification & Reinstatement.
If you are disqualified, you should contact us at the Academic and Career Advising Center to discuss your next steps, a plan for your time off, and guidelines for petitioning for reinstatement. It is important to know that a disqualification doesn't mean your college career is over. It means that you are required to take a break, but encouraged to return and finish your degree. Many students return to Humboldt, recover academically, and graduate.
Reinstatement is an academic standing that is similar to Academic Notice and Disqualification. It recommends that students register for a maximum of 12 units each semester until their Humboldt and Cumulative GPAs return to good standing (2.0). Additionally, they are required to earn a 2.0 or better for each semester in all graded courses.
Students who are on Academic Notice may be changed to reinstated standing if their Cal Poly Humboldt GPA-level technically disqualifies them, but they earned a 2.0 term GPA in the most recent term. They are "automatically reinstated" by the Office of the Registrar and required to see an ACAC Academic Advisor or their EOP advisor.
Students who were disqualified and are returning to Humboldt after the mandatory waiting period are also in reinstated standing. The Office of the Registrar refers to this as "non-immediate reinstatement". As part of the petition for reinstatement process students are required to meet with an ACAC Academic Advisor or their EOP advisor to create an action plan for Academic Recovery. They have a reinstated hold on their Student Center until they meet with an advisor.
The Learning Center's GPA calculator can help you calculate your semester GPA, Humboldt GPA, and Overall GPA. You will need your academic transcript to calculate any GPA; you can get an unofficial transcript from your Student Center.
In most cases, YES (you would need to double-check the prerequisite requirements for impacted majors). Finding the major that aligns with your strengths and interests allows you to succeed academically.
The Office of the Registrar or your catalog is a good place to start. Specifically, you can learn more about the Academic Standing policy and the Grade Forgiveness or “Repeat Policy.” The Office of the Registrar also has a page dedicated to tools for students on Academic Notice.
Helpful Tools:
- You can find a complete list of academic deadlines on the Calendar of Activities & Deadlines.
- You can download the entire Calendar of Activities & Deadlines to your own Google account. (Instructions are embedded within the calendar.)
- The Learning Center has created a one-page document, called Semester on a Page, which lists important deadlines, such as the last day to add or drop a class. To view and download the most current Semester on a Page, go to the Learning Center's handout page. Many students use semester on a page as a place to record the dates of major class assignments and exams.
- The Humboldt Class Schedule has a list of open, canceled, and closed classes.
Pay close attention to the following deadlines:
- Drop without instructor approval
- Last day to Add
- Credit/No Credit Option
- Withdrawal deadlines
Tips to Consider:
In addition to the workshops and one-on-one study sessions, the Learning Center recommends that students on AP take advantage of the following resources as much as possible:
- Last day to Add Credit/No Credit Option
- Don't forget the most obvious deadlines, the ones in which you have assignments due or tests to take!
- Keep in regular contact with your major advisor.
- Apply for a tutor at the Learning Center's Tutorial Services for help with difficult courses.
- Use academic resources on campus such as the Writing Studio, Science Tutoring Lab, and Math Tutoring Lab.
- Participate regularly in peer study groups.
- Consider taking a Supplemental Instruction course to augment time spent studying for difficult science courses.
There are various resource on-campus you can visit to help you recover from Academic Notice:
Mental Health and Stress Relief
- Counseling and Psychological Services, Student Health Center, 2nd floor
- Student Health and Wellbeing Services
- Meditation Room, Library, Room 21
- Brain Booth, Library, 2nd Floor
Supportive Spaces
- African American Center for Academic Excellence, Nelson Hall East, 206
- Educational Opportunity Program, Hadley House 56
- Eric Rolfes Multicultural Queer Resource Center, Warren House 53
- Indian Natural Resources and Science Engineering Program, Walter Warren House 38
- Indian Tribal and Educational Personnel Program, Brero House 93
- Latinx Center for Academic Excellence, Nelson Hall East 205
- MulitCultural Center, Balabanis House 55
- Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Siemens Hall 209
- Scholars Without Borders, Balabanis House 55, 2nd Floor
- Student Disability Resource Center, Library Learning Commons
- Women's Resource Center, Balabanis House 55
- Veterans Enrollment and Transition Services, Library, LL Room 55
Academic Resources
- Academic and Career Advising Center, Lower Library 27
- The Learning Center, Library 1st Floor
- Skillshops, Library
Financial Resources
- OhSNAP, Recreation and Wellness, Room 122
- OhSURE, Recreation and Wellness, Room 122
- Housing-Living Off-Campus
- Financial Aid, Student Business Services