Withdrawal Process
Before You Decide to Withdraw
We encourage you to discuss options with your academic advisor or with staff at the Office of the Registrar, or 707-826-4101 or the Academic & Career Advising Center, 707-826-3341.
If you withdraw on or after the first day of instruction, you will have a financial obligation to the university. Learn more at Student Financial Services - Refunds & Petitions.
For information regarding deadlines for partial refund upon withdrawal, consult the Academic Calendar and Student Financial Services. Graduate students (master’s degree-seeking) must also contact their graduate department coordinator regarding their withdrawal.
If you receive:
- financial aid funds, consult with a Financial Aid Counselor prior to withdrawing from the university. If you withdraw from the university or cease attendance, a portion of the student financial assistance you received may be considered unearned and must be returned to the program. Financial aid recipients will be billed for any unearned financial aid and resulting unpaid university charges. Your Financial Aid may be impacted by your request for withdrawal even if your request is canceled. Before you submit your petition, we strongly encouraged you to speak with Financial Aid about the all the implications of withdrawing from coursework.
- veterans benefits, you are encouraged to contact Veterans Enrollment and Transition Services to discuss how a withdrawal may impact continued eligibility.
If you are:
- living on-campus, you will need to submit a Request to Vacate form (found under Forms in the myHousing portal) to end your Housing Agreement and provide notice. Submit your request as soon as you consider withdrawing from the university. You can cancel the request, if your situation changes. If you are not able to provide 30-days notice, see the Appeal Process for information. Please contact Housing & Residence Life at 707-826-3451 or if you have any questions.
- an International student studying on an F-1 visa, contact International Programs to understand any impact a course or term withdrawal can have on your visa status.
- a student athlete, discuss any potential withdrawal with the Athletics departments to understand how your eligibility to participate may be impacted. See the Compliance - Cal Poly Humboldt Athletics webpage.
Add/Drop Deadline: 11;59 p.m. on the Monday after the second week of classes.
Before the Add/Drop deadline, you can drop classes through your Student Center. Your transcript will show the date of withdrawal. No coursework will appear on your academic record for that term.
Withdrawal: Serious & Compelling Reasons
Withdrawals for serious and compelling reasons are considered after the Add/Drop deadline through 11:59 p.m. on the Monday of the 11th week of classes.
Supporting documentation is required. (See Serious & Compelling Reasons & Documentation. A $20 per course fee is charged (in addition to any administrative fees and/or tuition fees owed.)
The date of withdrawal and grades of “W” will appear on your academic record for all coursework that term. Withdrawal from courses for serious and compelling reasons count toward the 18-unit limit.
Withdrawal: Catastrophic Reasons
Withdrawals for catastrophic reasons are considered after the Add/Drop deadline through the end of instruction. This is the only category of withdrawal permitted in the last 5 weeks of classes. A $20 per course fee is charged (in addition to any administrative fees and/or tuition fees owed.)
Withdrawal from courses for catastrophic reasons, such as an accident or serious illness do not count toward the 18-unit limit.
Finals week or later: Retroactive Catastrophic Withdrawals ONLY
In extreme situations, a retroactive withdrawal during finals week or after the term has ended may be considered, where the cause of withdrawal is due to catastrophic circumstances (supporting documentation is required) clearly beyond the student’s control. Requests for retroactive course withdrawals are rarely granted. A $20 per course fee is charged (in addition to any administrative fees and/or tuition fees owed.) Withdrawal from courses for catastrophic reasons, such as an accident or serious illness do not count toward the 18-unit limit.
Contact the Office of the Registrar at for information.

Serious and Compelling Reasons are defined as events that are typically outside a student’s control and generally limited to:
Mental and physical health
A letter is required from a healthcare provider. Do not submit medical records.
Loss of care of dependents
A letter is required from: a childcare provider stating services for childcare is no longer available, or a health care provider stating that the level of care needed to care for a sick parent, child or sibling requires you to take a reduced workload or completely withdraw from the term.
Inappropriate behavior of someone else in the class
A letter is required from the Dean of Students confirming that you need to withdraw because of another student’s inappropriate behavior toward you in class.
Serious reversal of your financial situation
A letter is required from: your parents that your financial support is being withdrawn, or your employer attesting to your loss of employment.
These are typically events that are clearly outside a student's control, preventing attendance. Examples include:
Severe medical and/or mental health conditions
An example of approved documentation includes a letter from your health care provider stating that your medical and/or mental health conditions require you to take a reduced workload or completely withdraw from the term.
Called to military service
A letter is required from you or a family member stating that you were called to military service. See below for withdrawal options for students called to military service.
Death of a close family member
A close family member can be biological, adopted (forever), foster, or chosen. A memorial service program, newspaper obituary posting, or death certificate is required.
Environmental factors
An example of documentation for environmental factors could be verification of a residential address within an area impacted by a natural disaster affecting the student's living situation.
Other catastrophic reasons to be considered on their own merit
Documentation must reflect a catastrophic circumstance clearly beyond the student's control and where the assignment of an incomplete grade is not practicable. This could include but is not limited to housing insecurity, court order, etc. and must be verified with credible supporting documentation.
If you are in the military reserves or the National Guard of the United States and are called to active duty after the beginning of a semester or summer session, you have two options to consider in determining your enrollment status with the university.
Normal withdrawal procedures should be followed whenever possible. However, if you are unable to complete the necessary paperwork by coming into the Office of the Registrar, SBS 133, or writing a letter of withdrawal, the university will accept notification from you or a family member. The Office of the Registrar will verify all notifications.
You may also contact Veterans Enrollment & Transition Services, 707-826-6272, with questions or for assistance with required paperwork. Withdrawals as a result of a verified call to active duty do not count towards the 18-unit withdrawal limit.
If you do not plan to return to Humboldt the next semester request a leave of absence. An approved leave of absence will ensure that you will retain your catalog rights and will allow you to register for subsequent terms without reapplying for admission.
Option 1 - Withdraw from all courses
You may choose to do a total withdrawal from all classes, and under a CSU policy, receive a full refund of tuition and fees. This option requires that you withdraw from every course and receive no grade for any course taken during the semester.
To process this total semester withdrawal, undergraduate students must contact the Office of the Registrar, SBS 133, 707-826-4101 or email at to complete the necessary paperwork and to start the process for refunds; in addition graduate students should notify the Office of Academic Programs & Undergraduate/Graduate Studies, Siemens Hall 217A, 707-826-4192.
Option 2 - Take a grade of incomplete in courses
If a substantial part of the semester has been completed by the time you are called for active military duty, you may meet with each instructor to determine if the assignment of an incomplete grade is practicable. The conditions for completing coursework and receiving a final grade should be agreed to between the student and the instructor by completing an Incomplete Contract in Student Center. If the assignment of an incomplete grade is not practicable, then students should be offered the option of withdrawing from the course.
The following are not considered serious and compelling or catastrophic in nature:
- deciding to change majors after the deadline to add/drop classes
- not being aware of a deadline
- anticipating you may earn a low or failing grade
- taking too many units,
- being too busy with other classes to do the work
- work or extracurricular activities
- not liking the class
- not knowing how or when to drop
We recommend that you wait until you have your required documentation before you submit your petition to avoid having your request canceled.
If you do not plan to return to Humboldt next semester, you can request an educational leave (leave of absence).
An approved leave of absence will ensure that you will retain your catalog rights and will allow you to register for subsequent terms without reapplying for admission. See the Academic Calendar or Student Financial Services for specific deadlines each semester.
After you complete and submit your online petition to withdraw, you will have 10 calendar days to provide documentation to support your serious and compelling or catastrophic reasons for withdrawal from your courses.
Once your documentation is received, you will be notified within 5 days whether your documentation meets the requirements for withdrawal.
If a withdrawal is approved, it typically takes up to one week (from the time you receive notification) for our office to process the withdrawal.
If at any time you have questions about the status of your Petition to Withdraw, you may contact the Office of the Registrar at or 707-826-4101.
Undergraduate students may withdraw from no more than 18 semester-units during their academic career. [CSU EO 1037] Catastrophic withdrawals do not count toward the 18 unit limit.
Failure to follow the official withdrawal procedure by stated dates will result in:
- an obligation to pay fees
- the assignment of a “WU” (withdrawal unauthorized), which counts as an “F” for GPA purposes. in all courses, and
- the need to apply for readmission before being permitted to enroll in another academic term.