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The CSU has a new policy on freedom of expression. Learn more.



Compliance duties and responsibilities, compliance training, and affirmative action plans.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Develop an annual Affirmative Action Plan
  • Provide consultation to departments and search committees on recruitment strategies and procedures and monitor hiring decisions
  • Monitor administrative, faculty and staff hiring decisions
  • Evaluate and investigate discrimination complaints filed by students, faculty and staff
  • Coordinate ADA compliance for all faculty and staff matters
  • Provide training on anti-discrimination matters, such as sexual harassment and diversity awareness programs
  • Counsel and advise students and campus officials in matters involving discrimination of all forms
  • Enhance Humboldt's community presence as an equal opportunity employer
  • Serve as management liaison to governmental enforcement agencies and minority community groups and organizations
  • Make policy recommendations that enhance the University's commitment to affirmative action and equal opportunity


  • Provide leadership and direction to achieve a positive, continuing, and vigorous campus nondiscrimination and equal opportunity program that goes well beyond the fulfillment of basic regulatory and procedural requirements to one with emphasis on providing positive attention to serving the needs of the campus.
  • Promote full consideration of all members of all protected classes in recruitment, selection, advancement, promotion and retention.
  • Define, publish, and disseminate Humboldt nondiscrimination policies and procedures.
  • Sponsor or participate in educational/informational seminars and workshops for the campus community.
  • Interact with campus and community members, organizations, and groups that are interested in related issues.
  • Facilitate, monitor, evaluate, and ensure compliance of the University with federal, state, and local regulations pertaining to equal educational and employment opportunity.
  • Compile and provide statistical reports and other analytical data on applicant pools, hiring, promotion, retention, termination, for internal evaluation and enforcement agencies.
  • Coordinate and present training programs on equity, diversity, and federally mandated affirmative action policies.
  • Ensure architectural and program access for all members of the University community with disabilities.
  • Investigate complaints of alleged discrimination.
  • Encourage the use of alternate formats for instructional materials in the academic environment, for notices and published information to employees and prospective applicants.

Cal Poly Humboldt is a Government Contractor subject to the affirmative action requirements of Executive Order 11246, the Rehabilitiation Act of 1973 and the Vietnam Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974.

Cal Poly Humboldt's Affirmative Action Programs are designed to bring women and men, members of minority groups, covered veterans, and persons with disabilities into all levels and segments of Cal Poly Humboldt's workforce in proportion to their representation in the qualified relevant labor market.

Cal Poly Humboldt, through its Department of Contracts, Procurement and Risk Management, participates in the State of California Affirmative Action Procurement Program. This program’s goal is to increase the participation of small and disabled veteran businesses in University purchases and contracts.

With regard to small business, a 5% preference is given to businesses certified by the Office of Small Business Certification and Resources, and there is a goal of 3% participation by certified disabled veteran businesses.

Files are maintained on vendors and contractors who qualify under the state law. Qualified vendors and contractors are advised of planned University purchases and contracts. Provisions of the State’s Small and Minority Business and Disabled Veterans Business Enterprises Certification and Procurement regulations are followed (see Appendices J. K and L).

All University contracts contain the following language regarding nondiscrimination:

  1. During the performance of this contract, Contractor and its subcontractors shall not deny the contract’s benefits to any person on the basis of religion, color, ethnic group identification, sex, age, physical or mental disability, nor shall they discriminate unlawfully against any employee or applicant of employment because of race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, mental disability, medical condition, marital status, age (over 40) or sex. Contractor shall insure that the evaluation and treatment of employees and applicants for employment are free of such discriminations.
  2. Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Fair Employment and Housing Act (Government code Section 12900 et. Seq.), the regulations promulgated thereunder (California code of Regulations, title 2, Sections 7285.0 et seq.), and the provisions of Article 9.5, Chapter 1, Part 1, division 3, Title 2 of the Government code (Government Code Sections 11 135-1 1139.5).
  3. Contractor shall permit access by representatives of the Department of Fair Employment and Housing and the Trustees upon reasonable notice at any time during the normal business hours, but in no case less than 24 hours notice, to such of its books, records, accounts, other sources of information and its facilities as said Department of Trustees shall require to ascertain compliance with this clause.
  4. Contractor and its subcontractors shall give written notice of their obligations under this clause to labor organizations with which they have a collective bargaining or other agreement.
  5. Contractor shall include the nondiscrimination and compliance provisions of this clause in all subcontracts to perform work under the agreement.

Cal Poly Humboldt conducts business with firms that observe equal employment opportunity practices, and that do not discriminate against Vietnam era veterans, covered veterans, or persons with mental or physical disabilities.

Humboldt will cooperate with regulatory agencies to ensure that equal employment opportunities and nondiscriminatory policies are followed by businesses and contractors working with the University.

The training listed below is mandated by law and/or CSU Executive Order for certain employees. You will be notified by email if you are required to take any of these compliance trainings.

To learn more about why each training is required, click any of the links below.  You will be directed to the Humboldt Training and Professional Development site.

  • CSU Conflicts of Interest
    Designated Employees are likely to encounter decisions where a conflict of interest might arise. To help employees navigate these situations, the course introduces them to the relevant statutes, regulations, and university policies that govern their conduct.
  • Eliminate Campus Sexual Violence
    We embrace and encourage our community differences in Age, Disability, Race or Ethnicity, Gender, Gender Identity or Expression, Nationality, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Genetic Information, Veteran or Military Status, and other characteristics that make our community unique.
  • Mandated Reporter
    Mandated Reporter Training is "strongly encouraged" for all employees by the CSU Chancellor and Humboldt President. All employees will be notified of their mandated reporter obligations in the job announcement (e.g. whether they are limited or general reporters).
  • Preventing Discrimination and Harassment for Non-Supervisors
    Sexual harassment training will focus on federal and state statutory provisions, prevention and correction of sexual harassment and remedies available to victims.
  • Supervisor: Anti-Harassment, Discrimination, Retaliation
    Sexual harassment training will provide at least two hours of interactive training with a focus on federal and state statutory provisions, prevention and correction of sexual harassment and remedies available to victims.
  • Alcohol Drug Testing Administrative Procedures
    Cal Poly Humboldt (Humboldt) conducts pre-employment, post-accident, random, reasonable suspicion, return-to-duty and follow-up alcohol and controlled substance testing for covered employees.