Class Schedule
Search for Classes
Search for Spring 2025 semester (default) classes by subject, course number, instructor, keyword, mode of instruction and more. No login is required. Current students may also search for classes in Student Center.
Summer Session
Are you considering taking classes this summer? See Summer Term for details.
Special Class Listings
The following show a table view of double count, partial term and special topic classes for the Spring 2025 semester (default).
Double-Count classes satisfy one DCG requirement plus one General Education or Institutions requirement.
Special Topic classes focus on current issues, specialized subjects or offer rotating content on a temporary or as needed basis. Topic descriptions are available in this listing.
Find your Final Exam Schedule
The dates and times for final exams are available in Student Center.
Student Center Help: How to view your final exam schedule
Read the Class Schedule for Important Class Meeting Information
If you can't tell how a class is formatted (after checking the notes in the interactive class search), ask the instructor or the department. See Finding Class Information
Virtual Synchronous:
The days and times are listed and the room is Online Instruction. You are expected to be available online during the times indicated on the class schedule.

Virtual Asynchronous:
The days and times are TBA (which in this case, means "To Be Asynchronous'') and the room is Online Instruction. You can complete the coursework online on your own schedule. There will not be days and times for this class.

The days and times are listed and the room is an on-campus location and online instruction. You will have both face to face and virtual components. This can also include on and off campus meetings. Online components can be either synchronous (days & times listed) or asynchronous (days & times are TBA). Read the class notes for details.

Flexible Hybrid:
You have the option to attend sessions in the classroom, participate online, or doing both. You can change your mode of attendance weekly or by topic, according to need or preference. Click on the section number to open the class details window. Read the class notes for meeting details.
Face to Face:
The days and times are listed. The room is an on-campus location. You are expected to attend class sessions in the classroom. Read class notes for details.

Finding Class Information
In the interactive class search, click on the class or section to open the class details, which includes meeting information and class notes. (The class schedule table view lists all class notes at the bottom.)

Class Schedule (Table View)
The Spring 2025 table view schedule updates daily.
Disclosure of Student Information
We take your privacy seriously. Read more about the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).