DARS Planning Tools
DARS is your all-in-one degree planning resource! You can track your progress, plan your path to graduation and find the best schedule all in one place!
See How to Register for more information.
DARS, the Degree Audit Report for Students
Cal Poly Humboldt’s three-component degree audit and planning system that allows students, faculty and staff to track students’ progress toward graduation (Audits); create interactive term-by-term degree plans based on audit data (Plans); and generate possible term schedules based on the degree plans (Schedules).

Run Your Audit!
Use DARS Audits to track your progress toward graduation. Your audit includes the degree requirements you’ve completed, courses in-progress, and highlights the courses and requirements that you need to complete to graduate.
You can explore other majors or minors using the “Select a Different Program” menu to run a “what-if” audit and see how courses you've already taken might apply to a different program.
Build Your Plan!
Use DARS Plans to help you build a semester-by-semester degree plan. DARS Plans is an interactive tool that pulls information from your audit, so you can clearly see the courses you need to take to graduate.
Freshmen, Sophomores, & Juniors: Advisors expect you to build a three-semester plan with DARS Plans before your advising appointment and before they will lift your advising hold.
Plan your first choice courses until all requirements are met. Don’t add alternate courses to your plan. If you want an alternate (back up) plan, go ahead and create a new plan with alternate courses.
Have your voice heard! Courses in the “starred” plans are used by Humboldt to predict course demand.
DARS Planner Student User Guide
Create Your Schedule (optional)
You can use DARS schedules to auto-generate every possible schedule combination available based on your “starred” degree plan and your personal time preferences or use the "Create Your Own" option to select class sections (including closed classes) to build your schedule.
Add your ideal schedule to your shopping cart in Student Center so that you can register in just a few clicks during your registration appointment time.
See How to Register for additional information.
If you have questions about any of the DARS planning tools, please contact the Office of the Registrar at
What is DARS? Cal Poly Humboldt's Degree Planning Toolkit
What is DARS?
DARS Plans 1: Create your plan
DARS Plans 2: Build your plan
DARS Schedules: Create your class schedule
For Faculty & Staff DARS tool see: Faculty Center Help
There are known accessibility barriers in the use of this product. While many issues have been corrected, improvement work continues. For assistance, please contact:
Office of the Registrar
(707) 826-4101
Academic & Career Advising Center
(707) 826-3341