Evacuating Buildings
Anytime You are in a Building and You Hear and Alarm Sounding . . .
- Leave the building immediately and proceed to the nearest Rally Point. Walk, don't run.
- Use stairs to evacuate! Elevators can jam and trap you inside.
- Help people around you. Knock on doors, check bathrooms and call out to others as you leave. Assist anyone who is physically limited or disabled.
- Wear shoes to protect your feet from debris.
In Case Of Fire . . .
- If you smell smoke or detect a fire, pull the nearest alarm and once outside the building call UPD at 911.
- Before opening any door, feel it to see if it is hot. If it is hot, leave it closed and stuff towels or clothing in the cracks around the door, and open the window. If the window is too high for a safe exit, turn on the lights and signal for help. If the door is not hot, open cautiously. Be prepared to close it immediately if you discover a fire.
- Be cautious when leaving a building on fire. Carry some type of cloth or piece of clothing to cover your mouth to protect yourself from smoke. If you can see or smell smoke in a hallway or stairway, use another exit route if you can. But if you must escape through smoke, stay close to the floor where the air is clearer.
- Go directly to a Rally Point if safe to do so. If not, find a common safe place to gather and notify someone in charge wearing an orange safety vest of any missing persons.
In Case Of an Earthquake . . .
- Immediate evacuation may not be advisable, as injuries may occur from the shaking and falling debris. If possible, cover your head and neck with your arms. Get close to interior walls, stay away from windows or shelves.
- If outdoors, find cover in a wide open space away from falling debris.
- After the shaking stops, exit buildings immediately and go to your Rally Point outside your building and wait for instructions.
Always Remember . . . STAY CALM!
Panic can cause injury or death.